Requesting Advice on the Best Methods for Polkadot Parachain Development and Implementation

Hello Everyone :hugs:,

I’m contacting you in order to get advice from seasoned developers and community members since I’m just getting started on creating a parachain on the Polkadot network. I would welcome any advice or resources that will help me get through this process more skilfully. I have a few important questions.

Parachain Development Best Practices: How can I make sure my parachain is optimised for security and performance? Are there any particular coding standards or architectural best practices I should be adhering to? :thinking: Although I’ve read the official literature, I’m interested in knowing whether there are any unspoken advice or community-driven guidelines that I may not have read about.

Which are the best trustworthy tools for testing and debugging parachains prior to deployment? :thinking: I’ve found the Substrate Developer Hub, but I’m trying to find some useful guidance on the preferred tools and procedures in the community.

Economic Considerations: What are the most important things to think about when it comes to the economics of staking, governance, and parachain slot auctions? :thinking: I’m working to gain a deeper understanding of the ramifications of placing a bid and the best practices for token management in order to ensure the project’s long-term viability.

Community Engagement: Lastly, what tactics have been effective in creating a vibrant parachain community? :thinking: Any advice on how to boost interest and involvement in snowflake governance?

Thank you in advance for your help and support.


For best practices you can check out articles by srlabs. E.g these:

For performance considerations, I would refer you to the docs and materials from the pba, links here.

Also everything is open source, so I would welcome you to take advantage of it and just check the code of your fellow parachains.

Happy building!


Hello! I came across your post today, and coincidentally, a few days ago, Blockdeep Labs published something that might help you (here).