Hello Polkadot Peeps,
Doing my own research assessing the blockchain to build our web3 offering and had a few questions that I was hoping to get some answers or pointed in the the right direction to figure out.
As an entrepreneur, Polkadot has many value propositions for building a web3 project. The prospects of saving time and jumpstarting development through the composability of existing parachain features or functionalities is what brought me here today. I could not find a directory of all the parachains in the Polkadot ecosystem and locating the information has been quite challenging.
Where is the best place to see or learn which parachains are participating and are available to other teams? Is there a process for making requests or are we supposed to go through Github and initiate on our own? I could not find a hub or site dedicated for Parachains or a marketplace that parachains would make their code/pallets available for others to add to their own projects in a seamless and modular method. Similar to Cloud services having images of all the various OS versions that are configured for the additional software, networking, and programs, which allows anyone to launch services and servers within minutes.
Thank you
There should definitely be a repository with all parachains willing to offer their functionality to a new chain via XCM. Right now I believe the documentation for how to integrate with each is scattered.
For checking out all the parachains you have https://parachains.info/. You could go through them and check out the documentation for all that strike you as interesting/useful.
For a list of Polkadot resources you have GitHub - haquefardeen/awesome-dot: Central Library of Polkadot ecosystem. It showcases some good resources on different topics.
There used to be a website showing all FRAME pallets you could reuse in your runtime, but now you can always check the “official” FRAME pallets and ORML (Open Runtime Module Library).
Thank you @francisco.aguirre !!
i really appreciate your reply and the helpful links.
It would be great if all of the polkdaot and parachain resorces, documentation and other tools were aggregated in a developer hub or portal. Especially the modular options that allow and promote the interoperability aspects of polkadot. Not sure how smoothly or if interoperability really will work if the documentation and resources are siloed.
Thanks again.
Hey @francisco.aguirre Thank you very much for mentioning this repo. Let me know of how we can improve this repository. We will try our best.
@hwaktua Your idea sounds great. We will take a look and in the meantime you can reach out to me via direct message for more suggestions.
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