Request for Creation of Subdomain for Games Bounty on Polkadot

Hello everyone,

I would like to kindly request the creation of a new subdomain on the official Polkadot website dedicated to the Games Bounty. The requested address is I am asking if it is possible to set up this new link and if the team managing the Polkadot website could reach out to the curators of the Games Bounty to develop a dedicated page for gaming on Polkadot.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation. I am available for further details or necessary information.


Where do you want it to point?

There is a new website coming soon so it might make sense to wait until that is completed and live before we roll out new subdomains.

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Ok, waiting for your news. Thank you

So I believe this discussion is bigger than the original message. The Games Bounty has voted to use “Games Polkadot”. The team has secured all Social Media platforms that we intend to use and 5 domain names .xyz .org and so on… The .coms are a branding security blanket! Wether the Polkadot Wiki incorporates the teams games bounty, we hope is just a matter of time. However, we’re trying to get off the ground and make it easier for Games Bounty hunters to find us.

In general, I suggest that we try to funnel the gaming vertical and its components/modules (tooling, community & funding) over one single brand/name and do subdomains since the tooling is already pushed using the brand PolkadotPlay it might be good to align and consolidate on one of them.


Doing a rebrand of Polkadot Play while keeping the polkadot logo as a guideline, the correct fonts and style throughout the site, and then implementing it under a subdomain would ensure proper branding as well as a better sense of security from developers who obviously know that they are interacting with an official site. Defragmentation, in this case as in others, is not good for branding and causes confusion.


I agree with @darkfriend77 & @thewhiterabbitM here! Biggest branding concerns are around cohesive search and recognition when creating the Brand. Games Polkadot has been widely secured on most Social Media platforms in addition to basic websites. Traffic from these sites can be funneled to GamesPolkadot.Network further securing the brand funnels for all things Gaming on Polkadot.

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