Decentralized Voices Cohort 4: Jalea Collective

Hi, dear Polkadot community!
We are reapplying for DV, this time with more members!
After our first cohort and the lessons learned with the Bra_16-D collective core + new members, we are now applying as a collective, delegating from our Collective (Colectivo Jalea)

:magnifying_glass_tilted_left: What Have We Learned from Our First Cohort?

You can find our first application [here] and the second [here].
Our community continues to emphasize the importance of getting involved in Governance.

Weā€™ve been voting for the past few months and here you can see.

Delegation Details:

  • Polkadot:
    • Pure proxy account: JALEA COLLECTIVE
    • Address: 15EPF99UNxYhUvkvm9sRGd7bXp3sjQHfg2y393bM5K5THrNN
    • On-chain ID: Yes
    • Multisig threshold: 4/8
  • Kusama:
    • Address: GaVHoKzDn9vL2hFaJxKv2iukaV3MHvShm6HceAyRFYgxpZi
    • On-chain ID: Not yet
    • Multisig threshold: 3/5

:globe_with_meridians: How Will JALEA COLLECTIVE Work?

  1. Website Development:
  • We plan to create a beta version of the JALEA COLLECTIVE website.
  • The site will feature weekly summaries of voted proposals, along with our perspectives and votes on treasury tracks and big spender referendums.
  • If we do not finalize the website, we will share our votes through posts here.
  1. Collective Expansion:
  • We have expanded with more members since our last cohort 3 application.
  • We will hold two weekly internal calls to discuss referendums from different viewpoints.
  • These calls will be recorded for members who cannot attend, ensuring transparency and informed voting.
  • A designated member will track proposals and updates to keep us informed.
  1. Managing Conflicts of Interest:
  • If a conflict arises, the concerned member must inform the collective, abstain from the vote, and we will publicly disclose it via X, AAG, or other public forums for full transparency.
  1. Feedback and Communication:
  • We will provide feedback on all referendums, regardless of our collective vote.
  • We aim to address even the shortest referendums, such as small tipper proposals.
  • We will open Telegram channels as public contact points with some members of the collective. All communications must go through these channels to prevent private chats and maintain transparency. (This channel will be announced soon.)

:clipboard: Internal Rules of JALEA COLLECTIVE:

  • Objective Decision-Making:
    • Our voting approach is to assess each proposal as if we were large investors.
    • We evaluate if a proposal genuinely aligns with Polkadotā€™s direction and merits our support.
    • Teams that inflate prices without justification will be scrutinized, especially in competitive scenarios.
  • Confidentiality:
    • Internal messages must not be leaked outside the collective.
    • Any leak could result in expulsion and public disclosure to the community.
    • Maintaining confidentiality prevents the misconception that one person dictates the collectiveā€™s vote.

:busts_in_silhouette: Who Is Behind JALEA COLLECTIVE?

We currently have 17 members,

with 6 having their on-chain IDs visible in the Polkadot multisig:

  • Polkadot: 15EPF99UNxYhUvkvm9sRGd7bXp3sjQHfg2y393bM5K5THrNN
  • Kusama: GaVHoKzDn9vL2hFaJxKv2iukaV3MHvShm6HceAyRFYgxpZi

Public Representatives in the Multisig:

Key members that wants to be public:


Colectivo Jalea has members representing these countries

We respect the privacy of members who prefer not to be public. However, some may take on a public role if elected as DV.
All members are active in the ecosystem as users, technicians, community leaders, ambassadors, event organizers, and content creators, all dedicated to fair governance and efficient spending for the ecosystemā€™s benefit.

:red_question_mark: Key Questions We Consider When Evaluating Proposals:

  • What is the teamā€™s background in the ecosystem?
  • Is the task being duplicated by another team? If so, what sets it apart?
  • Is the team qualified to deliver on their promises?
  • Is the requested amount reasonable and fair?
  • Is the timing right for this productā€™s launch?
  • How did the team perform in previous proposals, if any?
  • How does the proposal benefit the ecosystem?
  • Would token holders find this product valuable?
  • Are the team members involved in multiple proposals? If so, are they effective or merely seeking influence?

Kusamaā€™s Role:
We believe in Kusamaā€™s potential as a network of chaos for testing and innovation before Polkadot, adhering to the ā€œshow, donā€™t tellā€ philosophy.
We are committed to following both the cyberpunk and cypherpunk philosophies in Kusama:

  • Cypherpunk: Privacy, decentralization, and cryptographic sovereignty.
  • Cyberpunk: Resistance against centralized control and advocacy for technological freedom.

Similar to our last cohort application, thank you for reading and for supporting JALEA COLLECTIVE!

ā€” jimjamjimam


Hi, we canĀ“t post from our official account due this


Hi friends,

Please make sure to fill the application form as well.



Letā€™s hope to have a voice in Spanish from different Spanish-speaking countries gathered in this diverse and fraternal group! to give the best!


Happy to see me spanish fellow here!




Stepping up to further my commitment to Polkadot and aligning with the spirit of the Fellowship manifesto, which includes ā€˜Advocacy for Decentralisation & Governanceā€™, Iā€™m joining this project to actively participate in governance, with the aim of making #OpenGov more fair.


Hi! Iā€™m proud to be a Polkadot Soldier and a member of Colectivo Jalea, where we deliberate and vote in Spanish.


Itā€™s a OGs team. Members are very active in OpenGov. Good luck!!


There are many great individual contributors to Polkadot in this new DAO who I have known for years, and who have proven their dedication to the Polkadot ecosystem and to governance. Uniting them under a new Spanish language collective is a brilliant idea, and I hope they will be successful in obtaining the DV delegation to represent this important part of the world.


Iā€™m glad to see the Jalea collective supporting decentralized voices. Iā€™m happy to see my friends giving their voice and vote to all the governance proposalsā€¦

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