GM everybody!
I want to share a few current ecosystem issues and how they point to a development direction for AssetHub.
The main argument of this post is: AssetHub should become the default chain to onboard users, tokens, and asset-based integrations (CEXs, DEXs, wallets)
This argument is a continuation of this thread.
Be advised: None of the solutions mentioned below are to be seen as universal or canonical or absolute. They are suggested as a way of thinking in default scenarios that can always be replaced by more suitable specific solutions for your use case.
1. New users should onboard to AssetHub, not the relay chain
New ecosystem users who are not onboarding to a specific chain (e.g. starting as a player on Mythical), but who are more generally saying “I want to check out Polkadot” shouldn’t onboard to the relay.
The existential deposit of 1 DOT does not sound huge to you right now, but imagine the DOTUSD exchange rate getting higher. Paying dozens or hundreds of USD to create an account on Polkadot would be a very bad UX.
ED on AssetHub right now is 1/100th and can be expected to go even lower in the future. New users should onboard to AssetHub (or any other suitable chain)
New users will not necessarily stake or vote, but they will most likely deal with other assets. So AssetHub is the more logical choice.
2. All parachain & ecosystem tokens should be available on AssetHub
AssetHub can already host parachain tokens as foreignAssets
with XCM support. Parachain (and any other) tokens can be registered with their XCM Multilocation.
Making as many parachain tokens as possible available on AssetHub would allow for better integrations against CEXes, DEXes, Wallets, etc… and would generally make the life of EVERYONE so much easier.
On that note, it would also make it more likely that those teams make their tokens available for asset conversion and thus provide a gateway for abstraction wrapper SDKs like Apillon to have them instantly available for further development.
3. CEXes should integrate against AssetHub, not the relay chain
If we onboard all users to AssetHub, CEXes should follow suit. If we make more tokens available on AssetHub, CEXes can have one default implementation to make all kinds of tokens from the Polkadot ecosystem available for trading.
Any new token that wants to be made available for trading on a CEX could make sure it is registered as a foreign asset on AssetHub and make this known to a CEX and it could prepare the listing.
4. DEXes/DeFi products can easily integrate against AssetHub, but not so easily against other chains
It’s 2024 and opening XCM channels between parachains is still hard (one big underlying reason being that setting up message-passing subsystems between systems is generally not the most enjoyable experience). But opening an XCM channel from a parachain to AssetHub is comparatively easy because there is established systematic knowledge and operational procedures.
If we make lots of tokens available on AssetHub, DEXes and DeFi products can integrate against AssetHub to access those tokens and make them available in their systems.
5. Wallet experience and development could become easier by primarily working with AssetHub
Wallet users get regularly confused by which chain their token is on (I have 100 BNC in my wallet but they are not on Bifrost. On which chain are they?). This creates a lot of bad UX and customer support tickets.
Wallet developers have to deal with the mess of having the same token on multiple chains and hiding that fact as well as possible from the simple user while making it transparent to the advanced user. It is not enjoyable for anyone.
Having more tokens available on AssetHub and making it the default to deal with them there would simplify the lives of many people.
What do you think?
Is this the right way to conceptualize this? Am I missing something?
I believe that finding consensus on these ideas would allow us to finally arrive at a liquidity configuration for the ecosystem that would allow us to leave some problems in the past that have strained us for much too long.