Bridging assets from e.g. Ethereum via an “External” bridge, e.g. Wormhole, to non-EVM parachains currently requires an XCM “hop”.
For example, to move DAI from Ethereum to Hydra, you currently do:
Ethereum -- Wormhole --> Acala -- XCM --> Hydra
The UX is currently not ideal and there are questions / challenges around:
- Paying XCM fees
- Paying fees on the “hop” parachain, e.g. Acala in the example above
- Wallet UX (goal is to avoid the user coming online multiple times)
- …
There are a few teams currently working/thinking about custom solutions and talking to bridge providers, incl. work on Substrate-native integrations with external bridges. It seems Snowbridge and the Kusama<>Polkadot bridge are supposed to launch on a dedicated bridge hub, and will hence use a similar “XCM multi-hop” model to move assets to parachains.
The goal of this post/thread is for teams currently working on this “How get external assets to parachains via XCM hops” problem to share thoughts, current issues and possible solutions - and to connect with the respective teams at Parity.
The ultimate goal is to work towards a “standard” process that can be used across the ecosystem to help accelerate integrations with new bridges/parachains and avoid a dozen of custom solutions being built.