How can we improve decentralized technology usability without compromising security? Can we unify fragmented innovations into a cohesive ecosystem? Is it possible to maintain our ideals while advancing towards a balanced decentralized web?
Symmetry is our guiding principle. We aim for balance across critical dimensions: making diverse blockchain networks work together, ensuring security while enhancing user experience, developing fair and effective governance, navigating regulations without losing our ethos, and prioritizing innovations that benefit society.
The symmetry lies in a balance of opposites and tensions in ideals, a harmony between opposing forces. Take a chance to ignite your hacker spirit and find the balance.
This hackathon is geared to connecting builders and protocols of pioneering web3 ecosystems with the goal to provide an environment to build common good products, features and tools to better web3 as a whole.
APPLY NOW – a 3-day hackathon during the Web3Summit (19-21.08 @ Funkhaus, Berlin) (Web3 Summit 2024: Leading the Charge in Blockchain Evolution - Connect, Innovate, Transform).
And please share the application form around to developers and web3 entrepreneurs who you think would be a good fit for this adventure
Have any ideas for public good products of projects to launch? Share your ideas in this thread!
Some inspiration I can think of for Polkadot builders:
- We need real-world applications, not more crypto-centric apps
- Collating fun/interesting/novel things to build here
- What are some demos parachain teams would be open to collaborating on? - #5 by Sacha
- Announcing PolkaVM - a new RISC-V based VM for smart contracts (and possibly more!)
- eBPF contracts hackathon
- GitHub - TheKusamarian/stake-n-vote