Public good product ideas to be built for the Polkadot ecosystem

I want to propose to use this post to collate any ideas the community wants to see built that can benefit users of the Polkadot ecosystem. Then, this could become a useful reference thread for hackers looking to build things that our community might be needing or missing.

Let’s make this fun. :sunglasses:


  1. If you’re tagged and you have some ideas to share, put them in a HackMD or commentable doc (e.g. Google doc) and share the links in your reply.
  2. If you don’t have an idea and you’re tagged, just tag someone else!
  3. If you’re reading this and have an idea, just start at the next step.
  4. Make the hackMD or doc “commentable” so people can discuss/ask questions there.
  5. Structure your idea proposal so at the very least it touches on: what the problem is your idea is solving, ways you propose solving it and what opportunities you see for this idea to be built.
  6. Then tag someone or more than one person you think might have some good ideas to contribute to this thread!

Have more than one idea? One URL per idea. Just put 'em all in the same reply. Let’s go!

I’ll kick it off:

@shawntabrizi, @decentration tag you’re it :wink:


Great initiative @Sacha !
I have an idea for an application called “DotVote”, the idea is that anyone that holds $DOT as an asset on a parachain can use that dot to vote in OpenGOV, with a simple UI the user could XCM the asset to the polkadot relay chain then trigger a vote.

This can be built with Bagpipes:


All the best,


add a ENS+NFT like market place for people’s chain? afaik with the new changes we should be able to add ens like usernames with suffix. With smart contracts support coming to Asset Hub it should be doable?


This is a thought. But I will put it out none the less… IRA That is Self Custody for S - HackMD


I have an idea for a randomness beacon as a public good.


I have this idea about a chat agent that has knowledge over the polkadot forum and opengov that can answer questions to users


I think this would be in violation of the Terms of Service (I am not a lawyer, however)


I guess that could be changed (perhaps like asking consent from users when they register on the forum/opengov).
People are not supposed to mention private information on a public forum: everything on the forum and opengov is accessible at the end of the day


True, but not sure how you could change that retroactively.

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Great questions, please ask them directly on the HackMD @celadari shared (Forum and OpenGov Navigation Chat Agent Proposal - HackMD) that way we can keep this thread open for sharing ideas only and off-board discussions to the HackMDs or Google Docs people share here :pray: – imo “on-doc” discussions will be helpful for anyone new here looking at the ideas for the first time.


Btw, there’s a IRL hackathon happening during the Web3 Summit starting Monday:

There will be an opportunity for having barcamp style sessions for anyone who wants to pick up on the ideas work on them for the hackathon. The hopes of this post is to be a sort of timeless idea board that can be inspiration for builders interested in creating public goods that can benefit the Polkadot ecosystem.


Great concepts everyone! Keep them coming and can’t wait to start on Monday :fire: