Polkadot x Blockchain Hub Romania

:rocket: Calling All Polkadot Community! :rocket:

We’re thrilled to announce an exciting initiative to expand the Polkadot ecosystem in Romania through the Blockchain Hub Romania project! :earth_africa:

Our team, the same minds behind the successful ETH Bucharest, is eager to bring Polkadot’s innovative technology to a new audience in Romania. We’ve put together a comprehensive proposal that includes hackathons, workshops, meet-ups, and educational resources—all designed to onboard new builders and contributors to the Polkadot network.

:small_blue_diamond: What We’re Proposing:

  • 2 Hackathons focused on Polkadot technology
  • Quarterly Workshops & Bootcamps to educate and engage
  • Regular Meet-ups to foster community growth
  • Development of Educational Materials to support ongoing learning

We believe this initiative will not only introduce Polkadot to a thriving tech community in Romania but also drive innovation and increase adoption across the ecosystem.

:speech_balloon: We Need Your Input! Join the discussion, review our detailed proposal, and share your thoughts. Your feedback is crucial as we aim to create a robust Polkadot community in Romania.

Let’s make Polkadot even stronger together! :muscle:

:link: Join the discussion here

Expand Polkadot is always a good idea, but something that can help you with this project is to show your engagement with Polkadot, the knowledge you have of its technilogy, what is your trajectory executing or participation in the Polkadot ecosystem.

If your able to demostrate this, it will me more easy knows yor motivation a get support

Thank you for bringing this up! To be transparent, our experience has mostly been in the Ethereum ecosystem, and we’re relatively new to the Polkadot world. However, we’re committed to learning and integrating Polkadot’s technology into our initiatives.

We know there are talented Polkadot builders in Romania, and our plan is to identify and collaborate with them to ensure our activities are relevant and impactful. We’re actively seeking partnerships with those who have deep knowledge of Polkadot to help us get this right.

If you’d like to get involved or if someone else here is, we’d love to connect and work together to build something great for the ecosystem in Romania.

Thanks again for your feedback—it’s helping us shape this initiative in the right direction!

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