Polkadot-Kusama <> Parachains - Incident Management

Ecosystem members, following our different conversations on the topic in order to continue to monitor our ecosystem and to jointly react, a dedicated Matrix/Element room is created.

In that room, each member is able to :

  • Report any event you have triaged from the monitoring you have in place and you consider require the attention of the community
  • Partner to analyse any abnormal/unexpected behaviour reported and to answer including mitigate/remediate situation

In order to join, there is a form on which you need to provide some information, including which entity you are from and who is your backup.

The overall objective is to leverage all the nice and diverse monitoring each of us put in place and this will benefit all of us to detect and react to incidents.

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Any particular reason to exclude validators without an entity?

In fact we would like to do a phased approach and to start first with Parachains. Inputs from validators will be useful too.

Hi all
as just discussed during the incident management workshop at the Summit in Copenhague, don’t hesitate to join that initiate in order we jointly can consolidate/share our respective skills and monitoring to detect and react to incident.
Our ability to reach each other in timely manner is very important.
Thanks to the 17 parachains who joined already