Polkadot Content Guideline

Hey everyone, it’s DJ from SubWallet here.

I have a question regarding content guideline for posts to be featured (retweeted, quote tweeted, reposted) on Polkadot official accounts. Is there a list of words, emojis and images that are advised against?

Would be awesome to have a public & constantly updated list so that content teams from projects are aware. We really don’t want to publish an announcement to submit to Polkadot Roundup and get rejected because we accidentally include a sensitive emoji.

Much thanks!

cc: Parity MarComms :handshake:

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Hi DJ,

Thank you for raising this question.

A good rule of thumb is to avoid using emojis that can be interpreted as representing financial advice.

If the emoji is popular in /r/wallstreetbets/, don’t use it.

Here are some of emojis you should avoid using:

:money_mouth_face: :money_with_wings: :moneybag: :dollar: :heavy_dollar_sign: :coin: :rocket: :full_moon: (any moon emoji) :man_astronaut: :chart_with_upwards_trend:


Regarding content guidelines for a RT: each tweet is evaluated on a case-by-case basis, but we primarily look for content that brings value, or is relevant to, a majority Polkadot’s followers, especially if it’s educational, inspirational, or is a major announcement (subjective, I know) that shows momentum in the ecosystem/community.

You can reach me at evan@parity.io if you have any specific questions about content.

I will ask the community team to share this forum post with the content teams in the ecosystem.


Thank you Evan!