NFT Portal is back

I was doing some research on polkadot NFTs lately and I came to that was dependant on GitHub - paritytech/nft-portal and other intents of the former DevRel team of Parity. This tool seemed to me an easy way to mint NFTs but unfortunately it didn’t work.

So after checking in the repository with former parity engineers its current abandon status, I fixed it and deployed a working version here:

I would like to advance in this NFT direction, and some proposal and developments will come in the following months. I would like this small tool minting portal to evolve into a more ambitious service platform. The platform you can use in that URL, is just a working fork of the old, with no features or information or bug fixing, or ‘how to use’ additional information added… Definitively not for the grand public… yet… but step by step.

( For those that don’t know me, I did not only spent some years in Parity bugging people about security, but before 10 years in the contemporary and digital art scene. So basically I fix things as I need them) :slight_smile:

EDIT: Current github is here GitHub - wabkebab/nft-portal