Flipping the bird
trigger warning, if you have a canary tattoo, approach this post with caution.
Given the reaction to A Kusama Forum - Place for longform debate and healthy discussion, if we’re gonna drive Kusama’s chaos right onto Polkadot’s front lawn, let’s start somewhere meaty, with Kappa Sigma Mu society., aka Proof of Ink, aka the richest collective you’ve never heard of and perhaps the least effective use of treasury funds to date, unless regrettable tattoos are your thing.
I mean I have a couple, so I get it… you know what it’s like, you get together to chat about the ambassador programme, have a few too many beers, then you’re fumbling on Polkadotjs at 3am, yoloing a few extrinsics, and whoah, you wake up from your bro-down with a canary on your ass and $3m in your bank account.
How did we get here?
Within the current design of Kusama there exists a treasury and a burn mechanism, designed to incentivise the spending of accrued funds.
In the current 7 day spend period on Kusama 585 KSM ~ $14.93K will be burned unless it is utilised via spending proposals.
Currently 99.8% of that spend is unused, 0.2% is redirected to the Kappa Sigma Mu society account where its used to incentivise creative innovation more tattoos, and so far precious little else.
130,000 KSM is approaching 50% of the current Kusama treasury which holds 290k KSM.
With current parameters it will take 50+ years to spend the 130k KSM it has.
Where do we go from here?
Currently the continued treasury benefits received by KSM Collective are from a hardwired runtime upgrade, rather than through more well known forms of on-chain governance.
The spend is still mandated by holders given it required approval of a runtime upgrade, but that does not mean funding cannot be overturned through a new PR which will require a vote and a 3,333KSM decision deposit…
Four potential next steps:
- Kappa Sigma Mu is presented as a noble experiment, but one that has ultimately failed in its goals of driving adoption of artistic communities and should therefore not benefit from perpetual, unchallenged funding.
Outcome: A PR is submitted to remove the funding via a runtime upgrade and the 0.2% is burned (for realz).
- Kappa Sigma Mu’s fraternity is presented as a noble experiment that hasn’t had the impact it was designed to, but the mechanism has value.
Outcome: A runtime upgrade is presented to redirect funds to a new address, organisation or inititative who submits their candidacy for a stab at delivering on the experimental mantle.
- Kappa Sigma Mu is presented as a noble experiment that is still early in its journey and given all of that ink splattered about, there is some literal skin-in-the-game with the motivation to make the society work over longer time horizons.
Outcome: Funding to KappaSigmaMu continues but is subject to some annual review that requires a report of activities and experiments - it doesn’t need to hit concrete deliverables, other than delivering on its promise of fostering innovation.
- Kappa Sigma Mu is presented as a noble experiment that is still early in its journey and the potential to work over longer time horizons. In this way, we are trusting that something will happen. Given this faith - we can present a parallel execution of the KappaSigmaMu experiment that benefits from the same 0.2% burn mechanism to sustain its experimentation and R&D, but does so with different onboarding, membership and indeed perspectives.
May the best direction win…
Outcome: A PR is submitted for a runtime upgrade that both increases the burn to 0.4% of the treasury and redirects the new 0.2% to a new on-chain R&D focused organisation.