Kusama Coretime Renewal

Hey everyone!

I wanted to share that it’s time for the first teams to renew their cores on Kusama. The renewal window opened today at the Coretime chain block 284,039 and will last until the Coretime chain block 334,439.

It is important to know that all the parachains that have a running core now, still have it until the end of this region, independently of renewing or not. Renewing is executed in advance, affecting the following cycle.

Cores allowed for Renewal

The following list contains the cores eligible for renewals and important information about them. Each entry shows which core can be renewed, what paraID is currently assigned to that core (with the corresponding paraName where available), as well as what is the renewal price. Finally, it has the first timeslice at which the region of that core begins (*).

If your team is on this list, and you want to renew your core, you have to do it before Coretime chain block 334,439. Otherwise, the core will be offered in the open market, where you can still buy it (for the open market price vs the renewal price).


    paraName: 'Integritee',
    paraID: 2015,
    coreIndex: '11',
    price: '5 KSM',
    regionBegin: '295,848 (in timeslice)'
    paraName: 'Parallel Heiko',
    paraID: 2085,
    coreIndex: '16',
    price: '5 KSM',
    regionBegin: '295,848 (in timeslice)'
    paraName: 'Altair',
    paraID: 2088,
    coreIndex: '18',
    price: '5 KSM',
    regionBegin: '295,848 (in timeslice)'
    paraName: 'Kintsugi',
    paraID: 2092,
    coreIndex: '20',
    price: '5 KSM',
    regionBegin: '295,848 (in timeslice)'
    paraName: 'GM',
    paraID: 2123,
    coreIndex: '30',
    price: '5 KSM',
    regionBegin: '295,848 (in timeslice)'
    paraName: 'Amplitude',
    paraID: 2124,
    coreIndex: '31',
    price: '5 KSM',
    regionBegin: '295,848 (in timeslice)'
    paraName: 'InvArch Tinkernet',
    paraID: 2125,
    coreIndex: '32',
    price: '5 KSM',
    regionBegin: '295,848 (in timeslice)'
    paraName: 'NA',
    paraID: 2233,
    coreIndex: '34',
    price: '5 KSM',
    regionBegin: '295,848 (in timeslice)'
    paraName: 'Quantum',
    paraID: 2274,
    coreIndex: '38',
    price: '5 KSM',
    regionBegin: '295,848 (in timeslice)'
    paraName: 'NA',
    paraID: 2275,
    coreIndex: '39',
    price: '5 KSM',
    regionBegin: '295,848 (in timeslice)'
    paraName: 'NA',
    paraID: 3347,
    coreIndex: '49',
    price: '5 KSM',
    regionBegin: '295,848 (in timeslice)'
    paraName: 'NA',
    paraID: 3348,
    coreIndex: '50',
    price: '5 KSM',
    regionBegin: '295,848 (in timeslice)'

(*) A timeslice is a unit of time that was configured to consist of 80 blocks, and it correlates to the block height at the relay chain. In order to understand to which block height at the relay chain the timeslice corresponds, one must do timeslice * 80. So for a core which Region begins at timeslices 295,848, that correlates to block height 23,667,840 on Kusama.

How to renew your core

Any account can renew a core, it doesn’t have to be a specific account tied to the core or to the paraID. The steps to achieve this, are:

  1. Teleport KSM to the Coretime Chain. Both Lastic and RegionX have tooling available to do this.
  2. Call the broker.renew(core_index) method on the Coretime Parachain. This extrinsic requires only the core_index as a parameter, which you can find on the list above. This can be done on PolkadotJS Apps, and also again RegionX and Lastic have tooling to do this.

After a successful extrinsic execution, your core will be renewed. This renewal affects goes into effect the following cycle, not the current one.

Renewals going forward

Going forward, there are two main efforts to reduce the burden on having to renew a core on each sale cycle. Namely:

  • A coretime renewal Bot, which is closed to be finished. This can be found here.
  • Integration of a subscribe functionality on the broker pallet directly. This is being implemented here.

Last remarks

Remember that you need to renew your core before Coretime chain block 334,439 in order to make use of the renewal price. Otherwise, the core will be offered on the open market, where it must be purchased at the open market price.

Please post any questions on this thread if help is needed.


I truly appreciate the exceptional communication, timely updates, and detailed guidance your team has provided with the Coretime feature. The renewal process was incredibly smooth and seamless, making the entire experience really good.

Could you please add the Coretime metadata to the metadata portal? Unfortunately, neither Novasama nor Parity hosts this information, preventing the Polkadot Vault from being used with it. Adding this metadata would greatly enhance its usability and benefit all users.


Good catch re: the metadata, we’ll bring it up :slight_smile:

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So far we have seen renewals from Centrifuge, Interlay and Integritee :cowboy_hat_face:



GM – we will add the Coretime chain to https://metadata.novasama.io/ shortly - thanks for the report!


Hi, that branch has been merged with main so that link is now broken, you can retrieve the bot from here!

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Updated the link on the post, thanks Beto!


@santi also big thanks from me. Renewal was smooth. Looking forward to doing renewals with that renewal bot in the future.

Just one question: after the renewal: I see that I can renew again starting at block 300,888. How come? Should the next renew cycle only start at the beginning of cycle 2, i.e., 28 days after block 295,848?

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What you are looking at is expressed in Timeslice not in blocks (Source Code), and it shows until when you have an available core on Kusama. A unit of Timeslice is configured in itself to be 80 blocks.

So in this case, the Timeslice=300_888 equates to block height 24_071_040 on Kusama, meaning that you have a valid core for this current cycle, and for the following one. For renewing, you need to renew in the next cycle (which is your last one), to have a valid core for the one after that.

I made an updated timeline on how this would look like. You can see that now the “yellow dot” that represents until when your parachain has a core assigned, has moved to the end of c1 as you just renewed it.


That’s an important clarification. Coincidentally also block 295,848 of the coretime chain was authored this week and so I just figured that the number 295,848 refers to a coretime block height instead of a timeslice.

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Very coincidentally :sweat_smile:

Cycle 4 Update

Hey everyone!

Wanted to provide an update on the current renewal cycle so that people are aware of it. Remember that with coretime, cores need to be renewed on each cycle. There are tools like this bot, and developments in process like automatic renewals that help with this.

Teams that need to renew now

  • Deadline to renew: Coretime block 532806.
    paraName: 'Parallel Heiko',
    paraID: 2085,
    coreIndex: '47',
    price: '5.15 KSM',
    regionBegin: '300,888 (in timeslice)'
    paraName: 'Altair',
    paraID: 2088,
    coreIndex: '42',
    price: '5.15 KSM',
    regionBegin: '300,888 (in timeslice)'
    paraName: 'Kintsugi',
    paraID: 2092,
    coreIndex: '41',
    price: '5.15 KSM',
    regionBegin: '300,888 (in timeslice)'
    paraName: 'Amplitude',
    paraID: 2124,
    coreIndex: '45',
    price: '5.15 KSM',
    regionBegin: '300,888 (in timeslice)'
    paraName: 'InvArch',
    paraID: 2125,
    coreIndex: '44',
    price: '5.15 KSM',
    regionBegin: '300,888 (in timeslice)'
    paraName: 'Quantum',
    paraID: 2274,
    coreIndex: '46',
    price: '5.15 KSM',
    regionBegin: '300,888 (in timeslice)'

Please do let us know if anything!



Bifrost (para:2001) is capable of renewing on lastic, but it appears to be 23.0893 KSM higher than others. Is it necessary for Bifrost to renew in this cycle to avoid stopping the production of blocks, or can it wait until the next cycle to renew? Thank you!I see Bifrost (para:2001) can do renew on lastic, but why it is 23.0893 KSM higher than others, and do Bifrost need to renew in this cycle to avoid stop produce blocks. Or Bifrost can wait next cycle to renew? Thanks!

Hi @0xYancy! Bifrost actually can’t renew on this cycle, as it still has a valid core until the region that starts at timeslice 305,928, which is two cycles in the future. Therefore you will need to wait for the following cycle to be able to renew it.

I’ll reach out to the Lastic team to let them know that they should only be listing the upcoming renewals only, not the ones two cycles in the future (like Bifrost), neither those that already passed (like GM)

    paraName: 'Bifrost',
    paraID: 2001,
    coreIndex: '7',
    price: '23.08928572 KSM',
    regionBegin: '305,928 (in timeslice)'

Hope this helps!

I wrote a short explanation on how renewal prices are determined. Hope that clarifies some questions.

An important aspect: The cycle your lease expires, you automatically get a core for the next cycle and the right to renew there.

Sale Period 1: Your lease expires: You gain the right to renew in period (2).
Sale Period 2: You still have your core this period and can now renew for period (3).
Sale Period 3: Congratulations, you are using your renewed core!

In other words, lease holding chains get one period for free as an onboarding present

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What should also become clear from the article: The end of the interlude is not a hard deadline for renewals, it is just that once the leadin started you are competing with the open market, so your renewal is no longer guaranteed. Nevertheless as long as there are free cores, your renewal will still work.

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The end of the interlude is not a hard deadline for renewals

If that’s the case why was this core #54 renewal disallowed with error NotAllowed shown here

lease holding chains get one period for free as an onboarding present

How was it decided that they would be the only ones that get one period for free as an onboarding present?

Why weren’t new coretime purchasers also given a free period, especially given that the coretime documentation was and still is inaccurate and since the renewal page on the coretime marketplaces did not inform them that their core was due for renewal after they assigned their core to their ParaID and before its expiry?

If that was the case then it’s highly likely that the user that bought this core #54 would have had more time to figure out how to renew their core before it expired.

Before they purchased a core, one prospective purchaser asked the following question on 1st May 2024 in the public Lastic.xyz “General” Telegram room:

Then they received a response from an admin on the same day:

Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 6.08.44 AM

Amongst other questions, they also asked this question:

Then they received a response from an admin on the same day:

Then after they bought core #54 on 1st May 2024, they lost time creating these questions 1 and 2, which resulted in the Polkadot Wiki being updated here since the reserved deposit was incorrectly shown. They still don’t know how to use the --parachain-id option even though it is still mentioned in the example shown on that Polkadot Wiki page and available in the latest Polkadot SDK.

Then despite them creating this presentation about coretime, and familiarising themselves with the documentation, and asking questions, and remembering to assign their core #54 to ParaID #3352 before their region expired it so it could be renewed, they still miscalculated when they needed to renew their core to get a price-capped renewal.

After their renewal was disallowed due to error NotAllowed here, they reached out to the RegionX team in private chat, who mentioned the error was because the region was purchased in sale #1, so it should had been renewed during sale #2, since to be able to renew it must be renewed in the same bulk period of the region you purchased.

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According to the timestamp of the renewal, it happened in the interlude of this cycle. I am assuming the core expired one cycle earlier already?

How was it decided that they would be the only ones that get one period for free as an onboarding present?

I don’t know the reasoning behind this decision, but I think it is fine to ease the transition to a new model a bit.

For finding out on when to renew, I find the overview by regionx highly useful:


Other than that for missing docs, are you aware of this faq?

In any case, thanks for the feedback!

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Hey eskimor, that’s an important clarification,

I just want to confirm that part around “parachains get one cycle for free as an “onboarding” present”. Does this means parachain teams can get a free core at the cycle after their lease expired, which is the Sale X in your case? and parachain teams should call renew in Sale X in order to keep the core in Sale X+1?

And what we should do to onboard the free core?

Best regards.

The cycle your lease expires, you don’t yet lose your core, instead you keep it for one more cycle, where you have to call renew, in order to keep it.

Core expires in Cycle X, you keep the core one more cycle until the end of X +1, which is also the cycle you need to call renew in order to still have the core in X + 2.

The present is that you keep your core one cycle longer than your lease would have allowed for it.