Feedback on The Decentralized Mic - Marketing Spotlight

First of I want to thank all the participants of the The Decentralized Mic - Marketing Spotlight for have taken the time to participate and shed some insight into web3 marketing for the Polkadot ecosystem. It goes without saying that there is an greater gratefulness felt for the work done when the camera is not rolling.

With this post I want to open a thread to gather feedback on the new series “The Decentralized Mic” and specifically the Marketing Spotlight for those that have watched the whole video.

I would also like to share my point of view, I hope to make it as constructive as possible.

  1. Make room for genuine dialogue between the panel speakers: It is understandable that we need to moderate and manage the flow of the conversation, however I felt there was to little room for depth and sincerity.
  2. Have less panel speakers: the session was imho too fragmented which might be because there are too many speakers. Again, I missed somewhat more depth on the topic of web3 marketing.
  3. Have more time for community interaction: There was but a small part of the recording that was dedicated to answering questions posed by community members. Decentralized Mic suggestions open floor for participants and panel spearkers imo.
  4. Isolate more clearly the goal of the session: is the goal to educate, engage or for transparency purposes? Again this has most likely to do with the fragmented structure of the session imo, however from my experience I am more confused and feel that I have less confidence in web3 marketing.
  5. Have panel members be prepared and engaged: In some cases I felt that some panel members were busy with other things while they were online, which gives off a sense of disinterest. Panel members should be prepared for the topics being discussed. Imo the professor, very cool that he is teaching at universities and its super valuable that he is involved, however in my honest opinion I am unsure about whether a computer science professor should be on a web3 marketing panel.

Please take my feedback as is, a personal point of view on the matter, and open to discuss. Hope this opens the floor for discourse.



Hello Kasumidot, I am Ivan - part of the Ecosystem team at Distractive. Among others, I manage the Decentralized Mic series.

Your feedback is super useful and greatly appreciated. I will take it into account for future episodes.

Thank you very much.


Hello @Kasumidot

Ivan here again! Did you have a chance to join the 2nd episode of The Decentralized Mic? Really looking forward to your feedback.

Here is the YouTube playlist.


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Hello @ivans,

By chance I watched the episode a couple of hours ago before reading this post!


  • This episode was in my experience much more coherent
  • I feel I now have a better grasp of what BD and IR is and why its important
  • The guest speakers were engaging with each other which was nice to see
  • Speakers had more time to dive into the details of their work and focus


  • I would like to engage with the content mentioned during the session:
    • There was a referendum mentioned, Deloitte deal, stablecoin rails and a reference to a talk, regulation in the US and Asia was discussed but EU was saved for later?, Tanssi success with 150k users, OpenGov… → Youtube has a transcript option apparently so collecting these points of interest can be easy to extract maybe?
    • The recording can be organized on youtube such that one can click on the subject or question of their interest.
    • In general for newcomers I think it is nice to find a link to all the participating projects mentioned and the decentralized futures grants.

Thank you for taking my opinion and feedback into consideration!
Thank you all again for putting in the work to make these recordings!!

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