Resignation of the Head Ambassador title - six

Dear Polkadot Community,

It’s with a mix of gratitude and resolve that I’m writing to announce my decision to step back from the Polkadot Head Ambassador role. I am not leaving Polkadot, however one man can only have one focus and one full time job - for me it is leading G6 Networks.

It was hell of a ride to get through the last few years being a Head Ambassador, organising events from Budapest to Bali and onboarding new members, teams into the ecosystem. I’ve learned so much. Traveling worldwide with fellow Ambassadors, friends has transformed my life in many positive ways. Polkadot has given me the opportunity for personal growth while granting me freedom that no centralized system would offer.

After careful consideration, I’ve decided to focus my full-time efforts on my position at G6. I believe all my dedication needs to go into guiding it forward and there is no space for another job. As such, I won’t be returning to the Ambassador Program soon, nor until I see it return to a more solid and organised state that truly reflects a vision of a professional program.

I share my feelings openly: the ongoing processes revolving around the Ambassador Program and within Polkadot have been affecting my role at G6 Networks as a CEO and my personal life more than I’d like. I’ve spent too many weekends and sleepless nights mediating between people and groups since February - from the day Parity suddenly left the Ambassador Program and Giotto initiated a reset. While I appreciate the challenging nature of this role, it has started to exceed my personal boundaries.

I am very thankful for the community to vote me in with a 99.99% Aye to the HA role (which is still over 99% without Giotto’s vote) and I also wish the community accepts my decision. If we’d be in a democratic political situation, this number would be historical.

No salary was paid during all the years to me, nor I am not asking for any retroactive-whatever. At the same time, I hope those few who took on the full time HA job and dropped other job possibilities will get a compensation for their work - I will support them in case someone throws a proposal of this kind. Not everyone can afford working for free. In fact, only a few are lucky enough to have this chance in life. The reason I took on the role was because the values Polkadot is working on to manifest are aligned with my core personal values: individuality and freedom.

I always liked hackerspaces and for me Polkadot is the biggest and best hackerspace 3c33 :wink: That said, it will always hold a special place in my heart. While I won’t be part of the Ambassador or other Program for a while, I’m still happy to lend my support to the ecosystem in my free time. Whether that is through sharing insights, offering advice, or working on collaborations during a hackathon night - I’m here for the community, just in a different capacity.

I am not leaving this position without finishing my promises and responsibilities, so here are the last contributions as a HA from me:

  1. Polkadot’s Path Forward: Insights from the Heart of the Ecosystem:
  2. Activity report of the past three months:
  3. The Polkadot Ambassador Guide (created together with fellow HAs):

I hope this will help a bit and the Program will work out in the future - or maybe something new will arise around Proof of Personhood and more defined working groups.

Thank you for everyone who’s been part of this incredible journey. I’m excited to see what the future holds for Polkadot.

All the best,

Ps.: looking at the code of Ambassador Collective, there is no immediate resign or a demote myself call, so I’ll just wait until I am removed by any of the future proposals passing (:

IPFS link:

> sha512sum Resignation\ of\ the\ Head\ Ambassador\ title.pdf *
51556aea10b6f5229661e3ae86f8b892b299d2bb888f0c945c74b9ba3f9655e7dea4ad988e7d3e125b40cb0b548ab54cbe3f590eb3e28e6c51dbf74714bcc62d Resignation of the Head Ambassador title.pdf

Hash signed by six’s on-chain key:


My friend from the faraway land of Hong Kong, where we met during the PBA! I gotta say, I truly appreciate your honesty and open heart, but what I admire even more is your tireless commitment to the Polkadot ecosystem.
During my time as Head Ambassador, I saw some people doing absolutely nothing, and others working their socks off—and let me tell ya, you’re absolutely in that hardworking group!
It was an honor to work with you side-by-side !

Mario S


A strong statement, what tells a lot about your person :slight_smile:
Think there are quite some folks who would fight a lot for protecting their role/prestige to whatever price, not many who are able to step back from a prestige role and to focus on real work… chapeau for your charachter six :slight_smile:


Thank you @LinkedCar and @Felix . I appreciate your comments and I am looking forward to seeing whats next with Polkadot!

I wish all hard workers’ time will pay off and Polkadot will prosper soon.

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