Reduce the set of Head Ambassadors and start an effective Ambassador Program

I am saddened to see how far infighting in this HA program has come, but I have to respond here nonetheless. The proposal talks about improving efficiency and reducing costs in the HA Program, but I think it’s time to see it for what it is: A power-grab by some self-appointed elites.

As such, it is deeply undemocratic and flies in the face of OpenGov and everything Polkadot is supposed to stand for.

This proposal attempts to reduce the number of HAs from 21 to 10. This in itself is not necessarily a bad idea because yes, the program has been somewhat bloated and inefficient. But if we agree to cut the numbers in half, I am sure every DOT holder will have their views about who should be in and who should be out. Who is best placed to represent Polkadot as ambassador. I certainly have my views on this, but my views are irrelevant here. What we all should be able to agree on, is that the way the above list was created, was deeply undemocratic.

As a reminder, every HA has been individually voted into the program through OpenGov, and only OpenGov can vote people out again. So who do DonDiegoSanches and his cronies think they are, that they can come up with a list of who they like and who they don’t? They have not provided any evidence why they think THEY are the right people to take this HA program forward. Similarly, they have not stated any specific reason why they believe the other 10 individuals should be dismissed. They only present the finalized list to OpenGov for a binary AYE/NAY vote.

If DonDiegoSaches and his co-conspirators had been serious about reforming the program (which they were not – this is simply an attempted Coup), there would have been a much better way: Create a Wish For Change request to reduce the headcount to 10, and if that passes, leave it up to OpenGov to vote on who remains, and who has to leave. That at least would have been democratic.

I’m all in for reforming the HA program and making it more efficient. But if we allow an unelected group of self-appointed “leaders” to pat themselves on the shoulder, saying how great they are while stabbing their own peers in the back, this entire program is destined for doom.

Giotto recently launched a proposal to cancel this Ref, which should be supported! My conclusion is simple: If we wanna reduce the size of the HA collective to 10, sure, let’s do it. But let OpenGov decide who’s in and who’s out.