Powerful no-code cross-chain (xcm) dapp builder 🪄


Introducing Bagpipes

A no-code drag and drop interface for web3.

Short Summary:

We have built a drag and drop application builder and we’re looking for interested users. You can find the links below to access to join the beta, or you can run your own local instance (links at bottom).

Hello Community,

During the last few months, we have been building a powerful no-code builder to create workflows leveraging cross-chain (xcm) infrastructure. Just like a “Zapier for Web3”.

We’d love to share this with the “hard core” forum community and get some initial user interaction and feedback, which can inform what features we build.

By utilizing and abstracting away XCM we are able to give the user a nice high level experience for quickly building cross chain transaction flows.

The flows that you build can be for your own personal productivity, they can be shared with your team, or they can be used to build dapps that you can share with your own users.

We’re looking for any curious guinea pigs that resonate with this, we want to talk to you and find out what your dreams and problems are. : D



Hi I’m Ramsey, i’ve been interested in building something that makes this ecosystem - of parachains, primitives, pallets and tools - more accessible to more people, especially the creative and entrepreneurial minds who have a desire to solve their own problems and/or solve other people’s problems, so they can be more effective at experimenting and realising their ideas.

I have quite a wide ranging experience in the ecosystem. I discovered Substrate in December 2020. I spent 6 months getting my bearings, watched a bunch of Dan Forbes weekly substrate videos. Followed Josh Orndorffs breadcrumbs, and nagged Dan Shields for answers. I am part of a small club who has built and launched a live parachain taking it through a crowdloan on kusama (kabocha parachain), i’ve built a pallet “supersig”, I then attended the Polkadot Blockchain Academy, which took me from a hacky mechanic to a blockchain engineer. . And now i want to leverage all of that experience and insight, and channel it into Bagpipes.


I’m Filip also known as “flipchan”. I started working in the dotsama ecosystem in 2021 with an early version of picasso chain, I later moved on to work on a huge runtime upgrade for Edgeware. After experiencing the pain of upgrading old substrate code I started working on Uptest. To make life easier for future developers. So far there hasn’t been anything like Bagpipes for the ecosystem, the project will be meaningful to users, so I’m very excited to bring this to the ecosystem.


Connect up chain nodes with actions to form workflows. Then sign the transactions and watch it execute all in one place. Save having to jump to different platform to do different tasks. Do it all in one place. Soon you can also add webhooks, logic, web2 APIs like twitter, discord, etc.

No code workflows for web3.

Build cross-chain workflows that execute transactions all in one place.


  • Weave together all your actions in one workflow.
  • Create a bagpipe and automate the process.

Save Time

  • Save time jumping between wallets and apps to complete your workflow.
  • Build reusable workflows in minutes.

Playground of Possibilities

  • Innovate with Bagpipes. Build the next generation of cross-chain dapps, rapidly and with ease.


Currently, each chain has their own native app containing their own features.

Native apps are useful however they are mostly apps that have features from a single chain.

With “XCM” coming into maturity, we have the possibility to build on this higher abstraction layer, enabling apps which can leverage features and pallets from different chains.

Wallets are surely not the end game for XCM Dapps. Wallets currently fill the gap of enabling some cross chain functionality, but these are hard-coded and limited to what the wallet providers desire to prioritise.

If a user wants to make use of multiple chain features, they have to independently go to each chain to execute the transaction. This manual process is inefficient and laborious.

What is required is a place that allows the user to pick features from different chains and build workflows specific to their needs.


The solution is to build a no-code/low-code environment that allows users to connect actions across different chains, leveraging pallets and logic to automate repetitive and laborious tasks.

Like a “Zapier for Web3”.


To make the rich features of chains connected to cross-chain infrastructure, accessible and connectable all in one place.

Bagpipes allows anyone to create cross chain transaction flows in an easy to use drag and drop style interface.

The features we add from different chains increase, the usefulness and possibility compounds, leaving the door open for many workflow scenario possibilities that we have yet to consider.

Minutes not weeks

In the not-so-distant future, as we add more functionality (from different chains) into the canvas environment, anyone will be able to rapidly put together workflow possibilities that many of us have yet to consider.

As the variety of features (that you can drag and drop onto the canvas) compounds, so do the possibilities increase (exponentially).

It can take minutes rather than days or weeks to put novel and useful workflows that will contain a variety of features from various chains, including: assets, DEX, GOV, NFT, Identity, Scheduling, staking, trading etc.

Abstracting away complexity:

In the web2 world, no-code apps are powerful tools that just makes building faster, without much loss of customisation, think of middleware API builders such as Zapier, or Make, and for building webpages and UIs think of webflow, we aim to create similar experiences for Web3 and dotsama ecosystem. This will be attractive for new active participants in the ecosystem to be able to weave together a transaction flow that fits their use-case without having to learn how to interact with pallets, polkadot.js or similar under the hood functionality. Letting people quickly create MVP’s and cross chain application flows.

What’s on your wishlist or causing challenges in your work within the ecosystem?

We’re developing Bagpipes and reaching out to gather wishlists and pain points. Your input will shape what we build and benefit you and others. We want to bridge the gap and make pallets, parachains, and XCM more accessible for experimenting and rapid prototyping. Our focus is on the layer between infrastructure and users building MVPs to solve pain points. Despite the available SDKs, it’s not as straightforward as it seems.

With the new cross-chain abstraction layer, the potential for applications is vast. We’re exploring possibilities like DEXs, identity, non-fungibles, voting, ZK, and stored trigger functions. Share your pain points, and let’s innovate together in the web3 space.

Note: We have changed the name from XCMSend to BagPipes.

What has Bagpipes achieved so far:

Currently we have added the initial playground. Our next phase of work is to add lots of chain integrations and other tools so that it can become exponentially more useful.

  • Build the MVP drag and drop canvas builder.
  • Support for:
    • XCM Asset transfers between:
      • Polkadot <> AssetHub
      • Polkadot <> HydraDx
      • AssetHub <> HydraDx
      • AssetHub > Interlay
    • XCM Native token transfers
    • Scheduled Polkadot XCM Transactions
    • Share a link to your scenario
  • OpenSource UI
  • Funded by w3f

What we aim to have soon (3 month plan):

  • Swaps
    • HydraDX SDK integration (done)
    • Dex omnipool integration (in progress)

After we add swaps you can send tokens to the Dex from another chain, execute a swap and then send those funds elsewhere all in one sitting. This saves jumping across platforms to complete your tasks. It’s pretty convenient, but soon there will be a lot more you can do.

  • Polkadot primitives

    • Multisig / Proxy support
    • Voting / Governance
    • Non-fungibles
    • Scheduling
    • Staking
  • Workflow management

    • Save multiple scenarios
    • Transaction history management
  • General Tools, logic blocks, Webhooks, API connector

    • Logic blocks: add conditional logic in the form of easy to understand blocks.
    • Webhooks/Event triggers: A way of connecting with other (Web2) APIs to trigger the workflow to begin its process.
    • Router: Route transitions one-to-many, or based on conditions and filters.
    • API connector
    • Share: share workflows with others, whether for multisig, to vote on a treasury proposal, delegate voting power to a DAO.
  • One click UI builder: Generate a user interface from the workflows you build and share it with your community.

What we prioritise will be based on the ongoing research, user interviews and feedback we get.


Our ambition is to 10x the simplicity and accessibility:

  • To reduce barriers to entry: Make Web3 and the Polkadot ecosystem accessible to more users, generalists and DApp developers.
  • Ability to use and modify predefined and tested transaction scenarios

So you’ve read this far, wow, we’re chuffed. As mentioned we’d love to capture some curious guinea pigs and talk to you, via chat and interview ( if you are up for it ) and build something that you love to use. If this is you, email us at hello@xcmsend.com : )

Also leave us a comment.

External links:




Amazing tool , it is what Web3 end-users needed.


This is a cool idea :slight_smile:


Here is the first Bagpipes Polkadot Treasury Proposal #362. Please show some support there! Thanks

I like the interface. I am mostly a programmer, but also a blockchain user. I would like to construct “macros” for tasks that I perform regularly. This seems like a nice tool to do it.

And also would help with discoverability of features on different parachains.

It reminds me of ladder logic in PLCs or lab view from my physics days kind of. Every physicist who doesn’t know how to code uses labview to run their optics bench (or whatever they run).


It’s a nice idea and the product looks good. I’m trying to think of scenarios in which I’d use this. I’ve mostly spent my time on Polkadot reviewing and voting on proposals so far, with little thought paid to XCM. Quite often there are a few proposals that are massively aye or naye and my voting power is rendered meaningless. An interesting workflow for this tool could be to email / alert me to votes nearing the end of their voting period that could be considered contentious, where parameters for aye / naye split + volume would define the meaning of contentious.


Hey Christ, thanks for the feedback.
This scenario your suggesting is very possible and something we will keep in mind once we ship our first milestones and have a stable query features avaliable. We will make a ticket in on our trello board with your suggestion and look into it :slight_smile:

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Hey Joshy,

I like the interface. I am mostly a programmer, but also a blockchain user. I would like to construct “macros” for tasks that I perform regularly. This seems like a nice tool to do it.

Its great that as a class A blockchain engineer, you see the value in using it as a platform create “macros” for your repetitive tasks.

And also would help with discoverability of features on different parachains.

that’s a good one, we can create bagpipe templates this will improve discoverability and also give context to such features.

It reminds me of ladder logic in PLCs or lab view from my physics days kind of. Every physicist who doesn’t know how to code uses labview to run their optics bench (or whatever they run).

that’s a perfect example of how blockchains can have a nice workbench interface to build things, who are technical in their own right, but cant or dont have the time to code the project from scratch so they use LabView.

It would also be cool for Polakdot Blockchain Academy live and online students, to use it to give context about all the different tools in polkadot SDK and the ecosystem. As a PBA alumni myself, i found that there were a lot of gifted coders, but they lacked experience in substrate, which was hard to grasp in just a month. Bagpipes could help…

Hey guys, awesome idea! I would suggest you to implement our XCM SDK - GitHub - paraspell/xcm-sdk: ParaSpell✨ XCM SDK 🛠️ for Polkadot and Kusama ecosystem (Currently supporting 47 Parachains) to further the capabilities of this UX! Here are the docs for the SDK - ParaSpell | ParaSpell Feel free to contact us if you need any more info.

Hey @dudo50,

Thanks for the feedback, we will keep this in mind. For the moment we have implemented it manually with polkadot.js libs, since we need some customization we decided to go this way.

We do not want to give the user an ocean of dependencies to rely on but we will check it out.

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Very resourceful tool. Thanks for building it.

Looks like there is an issue with both Kusama and Kusama Asset Hub chain elements, which fail to fetch the assets. Where can I report issues like these? The contacts tab on the website does not help either.


@radha Thank you!

Please file a github issue here:

If anyone wants to follow our updates in real time and communicate with Bagpipes, feel free to join our Discord server:

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Here is a simple how-to video that show you how to make a web3 app in minutes…

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