Hello Kusama Community,
We are happy to announce that our first alpha version of PolkaIdentity is now available at: https://polkaidentity.com
Our registrar has been accepted at Kusama by referenda #418 and hopefully soon we can also submit a proposal to Polkadot.
For this first step of our release we are hoping to get feedback from you guys (good and bad), so we can make sure we can offer a high-quality and stable service before we can move on to Polkadot.
A few features that are still being developed include:
- Teleport KSM from relaychain to people parachain directly from the website
- Show the SubIdentities on the identity card
- Allow the user to clear the identity
- Allow user to upload an image and pgp key
- Another flow for adding and removing SubIdentities
- Make it possible to use a MultiSig, Proxy and Pure Proxy (this last one pending a few changes in the network)
- Add social networks support (connecting with them to ensure ownership)
- Add support to other ways of connecting a wallet besides polkadot-js
Finally we would like to thank everybody who supported our proposal and made this possible.