Polkadot Protocol and Common Good Parachains

Going to link my reply to the other thread here with the example of our project that probably fits better this conversation,

I’m glad you talk about a spectrum, chains have very diverse purposes and we cannot easily put labels on them, is “common good chain” perhaps too generic? It might be useful to have a few more labels laying around, it could help people to have a better sense of what a project is about and what kind of ideals come attached to it.
A separate step is for DOT holders to decide based on said ideals how a chain should join the ecosystem, is it a long term no strings attached lease plus extra funds? perhaps a shorter term lease with a loan to bootstrap a project and let it prove itself? normal auction? creative auction? or even the project having to pay extra “tax” to the community because their business goes against most people’s values?

Talking about ideals and stuff, when you mention “anything in a common good parachain is part of the Polkadot protocol”, I think here we either elaborate more on what protocol means or perhaps change it to something like vision or similar? this stuff is very subjective and will change over time, protocol sounds like something more rigid limited things in the whitepaper and leaves out more creative efforts like what Encointer or now Sequester is proposing which are not part of the original Polkadot scope but holders might want to see them being supported by the ecosystem because of their nature.