Substrate ecology v0.2

This TL;DR has a good point, I think it’s not totally clear for the community what exactly means to be a common parachain, at the moment I think its definition is very subjective and I’ve seen different people give different answers.

When proposing Kreivo(Virto on Kusama) as a common good chain, part of my intention was to challenge what being a common good parachain actually means and hear what people had to say about it(sadly there wasn’t much feedback and it got forgotten).
Perhaps many people won’t like that a common good chain can have businesses making profits but I’m still convinced that the goals of our Local Incentives Protocol are very aligned with the idea of being common good, not because it doesn’t have its own token to monetize the protocol as most do(dangerous IMHO), but because of its focus on wealth redistribution and local empowerment, providing a shared infrastructure for autonomous local communities that can tax real world marketplaces in the form of autonomous commercial communities that operate in a way more similar to co-ops* rather than the very profit driven model that many DAOs seem to follow probably to satisfy hungry investors.

*an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically-controlled enterprise

As I’m not a fan of the current common practice of giving up considerable control of potentially crucial internet infrastructure to a few venture capitalists, I’m still hoping to find the sweet spot that will enable projects like ours to thrive. It seems that spot can be somewhere between being a common good and regular parachain, even though we can go the crowdloan way rewarding supporters with the tokens from our first guest marketplaces this is not ideal and has questionable long term sustainability, instead I’m more inclined to wait for parathreads support to be ready.
On the funding side, our tax system can be used not only to support local communities and other social impact/green initiatives but to make the system and its development sustainable, what’s still difficult is the bootstrapping phase where I see big potential for treasury funds to help, and not as a form of charity but more as an investment because we can give value back to the ecosystem.

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