Polkadot <> Kusama Bridge

We have patched this now, thanks for noticing :slight_smile:


The Polkadot BH runtime upgrade to fix the bridge is under voting in OpenGov.

Once itā€™s executed the bridge should be functioning at 100% again.

There is also a Kusama BH runtime upgrade under voting for patching the same issue on Kusama BH so we donā€™t experience the same error with the other direction too.

the kusama assets is now updated.


The Polkadot BH runtime upgrade to fix the Kusama->Polkadot transfers direction is under voting in OpenGov.

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The P<>K bridge is back to full functionality! Fully synced on both sides and processing bi-directional traffic :tada:


Awesome! Bi-directional transfers should have been enabled with the 1.2 upgrade right? Could I get assistance with building the extrinsic for sending the bridged DOT from Kusama Asset Hub to Polkadot Asset Hub? I will update the Wiki docs right after the extrinsics are executed successfully.

Sure! Actually, Iā€™ll use this opportunity to point people to try out GitHub - paritytech/asset-transfer-api: Typescript API aiming to provide clear, and simple to use tools for transferring assets across common good parachains..

There are examples of transferring bridged assets there, including this particular one you are inquiring about. DOT from KAH to PAH transfer API here.

Let us know if it works as expected! :smile:

The API gets more usecases integrated every day, so please request any usecase you have and is not yet covered.

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Thank you. The Wiki docs are now updated with bi-directional transfer info for both DOT and KSM.


The progress on the bridge PAH<>KAH is impressive. Once the fees are reduced, I anticipate it will see widespread use. However, I have a few questions:

  1. Once you have, for example, DOT in KAH, what use cases does it currently have?
  2. Is there, or can anyone create, a pool in KAH with DOT and KSM as assets (foreign-native)?
  3. Is there a team working on a UI to utilize the Asset Hub pools? (This question might not directly relate to this post, but it ties in with the previous questions.)

Yes :point_down:

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  1. I donā€™t expect DOT in Kusama have a use case beyond what parachains make out of it, e.g. in Kreivo we would allow people to make DOT payments which includes on/off ramping. In the future it would be interesting to introduce some form of remote staking via XCM, @pandres95 work on asset freezing can be a precursor of such a feature.
  2. It works, just created the pool KSM<>DOT (lpToken: 11)
  3. Thereā€™s also dotswap.org (missing Kusama AH)

Just want to share that SubWallet has integrated the Polkadot <> Kusama bridge into our browser extension UI! Mobile and web dashboard coming soon :star_struck: