Täniko UI: Create & manage assets on Asset Hub/s

New features :sparkles:

(1) Transfer assets with the option to sponsor existential deposit using any asset that has a pool or using the native chain token.

If the sender is also the asset admin or freezer, he will also have the option to send without sponsoring the ED, calling batch_all([asset.touch_other, assets.transfer])

If sender does not have this privilege, transfer CTA will be disallowed without sponsoring ED.

Hope this is the right business logic! If not please let use know :smiley:

(2) Create asset pools

Again, this is :warning: very beta, so if you encounter bugs or something not working quite right, please leave us a message.

Upcoming features :bell:

  • Add and remove liquidity to/from existing pools
  • Mint, burn and freeze assets
  • Support foreign assets in Asset Hubs i.e. parachain tokens, KSM, DOT etc.
  • Register and transfer assets to HydraDX and Basilik to enable isolated pools