hello.can anyone tell me please is ledger hardware wallet support still experimental on polkadot.js wallet?
i ask because i see notice in UI :
Ledger support is still experimental and some issues may remain. Trust, but verify the addresses on your devices before transferring large amounts. There are some features that will not work, including batch calls (used extensively in staking and democracy) as well as any identity operations.
and the question arose: is this an outdated warning or actual info?
I will soon be testing and improving Ledger support on staking dashboard. The dashboard does not use nested calls, but does use batched calls. After some real testing I will write up a formalised support article in the repo’s README. Polkadot JS Apps will definitely require nesting, this is probably why it is marked as experimental on there.
Any update for Identity Operations? I keep getting a Call nesting not supported when trying to create an on-chain identity on PolkAssembly: Talisman+Ledger Nano X.
According to the following page the Nano S cannot be used, nothing about the Nano X, and I know the Nano S plus does the job.
According to Zondax documentation, the Polkadot Ledger app does not support call nesting for identity extrinsics, regardless of the device model.
When you use Polkassembly to create your on-chain identity, it batches two calls together: set_identity and request_judgement. While theoretically, you can sign both extrinsics in separate calls, I’m unsure how Polkassembly will process them. I suggest contacting Polkassembly to report the issue; they should be able to provide a solution.
I encountered that as well. You can use https://dotapps.io (or Polkadot/Substrate Portal) to set your identity (it’s even better than Polkassembly cuz you can set more fields) and then use Polkassembly to request the judgment. Then no batching happens
As @Juan_CDe, this is historical limitation on the app. A new app release will be available soon that will support nesting for all these extrinsics.
In the meantime, to set your identity, the recommend option is to do this separately.
We will reach out to Polkassembly to check if they can provide an alternative without batching in the short term following this Polkadot-JS Guides about Identity · Polkadot Wiki is the recommended way.