Polkadot News
JAMTON has won the most recent parachain lease auction. Auctions and crowdloans on Polkadot & Kusama networks | Parachains.info
Reminder that parachain auctions will be going away soon, assuming the necessary Agile Coretime referenda pass. Introduction to Agile Coretime · Polkadot Wiki
Referendum 1143, which upgrade Polkadot to 1.3.x and transition to agile coretime, is currently passing unanimously. [Whitelisted Caller] Upgrade Polkadot to v1.3.x (transition to Agile Coretime) | Polkassembly
Referendum 1129, proposing to increase the validator active set size from 297 to 400, is passing almost unanimously. [Whitelisted Caller] Increase validator set size to 400 | Polkassembly
Kusama News
Referendum 450, proposing retroactive funding for KSM.FUN, is passing with 54.4% in favor. Retroactive funding for development of KSM.FUN. Pre-launch phase on Kusama as parachain. | Polkassembly