Polkadot News
Referendum 1143, proposing to upgrade the Polkadot runtime to 1.3.x and stop parachain lease auctions, is passing and expected to execute on 17 Sep. [Whitelisted Caller] Upgrade Polkadot to v1.3.x (transition to Agile Coretime) | Polkassembly
Referendum 1161, proposing to configure the Coretime chain and begin coretime sales, is now up for vote. [Whitelisted Caller] Configure the Coretime Chain and start sales | Polkassembly
With two and a half days left in the current parachain lease auction, Kylix is currently in the lead. Auctions and crowdloans on Polkadot & Kusama networks | Parachains.info
Alice_und_Bob has posted a draft WFC to cover basic rules for Bounty standards. [WFC Draft] Bounty Standards
Kusama News
Referendum 450, proposing retroactive funding for ksm.fun, is currently confirming. Retroactive funding for development of KSM.FUN. Pre-launch phase on Kusama as parachain. | Polkassembly
Referendum 452, proposing funding for a Kusama DAO Hub, is currently passing. Revitalizing Kusama: The DAO Hub | Polkassembly
There is a new candidate for Kappa Sigma Mu, who bid 32 KSM. https://ksmsociety.io/explore/candidates