Polkadot News
Ajuna Network has won the most recent parachain lease auction. https://parachains.info/auctions
The 2024-Q1 Polkadot-API update has been released. Polkadot-API 2024-Q1 update
Referendum 639, increasing the backing timeout on validators from 2 to 2.5 s and the approval-voting timeout from 12 to 15s, executed yesterday. Bump parachain validation timeouts | Polkassembly
Referendum 648, proposing to upgrade the Polkadot relay chain and system parachains runtime to v1.2.0, is currently passing almost unanimously. https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referenda/648
Kusama News
Reminder that with the passing of Referendum 374, asynchronous backing will be enabled on 20 April (Saturday) at block 22_818_800. [Whitelisted Caller] Enable async backing on kusama | Polkassembly
And with the passing of Referendum 375, coretime will be enabled tomorrow (Thursday, 18 April) at block 22_793_600. Enable Coretime | Polkassembly
Interested in joining Kappa Sigma Mu, the human blockchain secured by “proof of ink”? You can submit a bid here: https://ksmsociety.io/explore/bidders