Polkadot Digest 26 Jul 2024 (moved)

Polkadot News

Migration of identities from the Relay Chain to the People Chain is now complete. If you had an identity on the Relay Chain, you will note that your identity deposit (~ 20.5 DOT) is no longer reserved and is now transferrable.

Calls on the People Chain are still blocked for another two days. For details, see People Chain Migration and Release | Polkassembly

With three days left in the current parachain lease auction, Frequency has been in the lead the entire Ending Period. Auctions and crowdloans on Polkadot & Kusama networks | Parachains.info

Kusama News

There are three new Wish-for-change Referenda up for vote on Kusama. For details on each of them, see Wish For Change | Polkassembly

There is a new candidate for Kappa Sigma Mu. https://ksmsociety.io/explore/candidates

For more information on Kappa Sigma Mu, the “human blockchain project”, see the Kappa Sigma Mu Wiki here: https://ksmsociety.io/wiki

Finally - I will be taking the next three weeks off. Filippo Franchini, Technical Educator at W3F, will be taking over the Digest until my return.