Polkadot Digest 19 Jul 2024

Polkadot News

With less than a day left in the current parachain lease auction, Robonomics has been in the lead the vast majority of the Ending Period. https://parachains.info/auctions

Referendum 983, to upgrade the runtime of the People Chain parachain and allow the migration of identity migration off the Relay Chain, is passing almost unanimously. People Chain Migration and Release | Polkassembly

Referendum 973, proposing to update HRMP channel limits after a previous failed attempt, is passing with 97.9% in favor. [Whitelisted Caller] Update HRMP Channel Limits | Polkassembly

Referendum 1002, proposing to upgrade the Bridge Hub runtime to 1.2.8 (allowing a much more efficient Snowbridge Ethereum client), is passing with 97.9% in favor. [Whitelisted Caller] Upgrade BridgeHub: v1.2.8 | Polkassembly

Kusama News

Current coretime price is 0.2309 KSM. You can see more details on the Lastic Dashboard: https://www.lastic.xyz/kusama/bulkcore1

Referendum 418, proposing to add PolkaIdentity as a Registrar, is currently passing with 65.8% . Add PolkaIdentity as Registrar | Polkassembly