Polkadot Digest 16 June 2023

Polkadot News

With the passing of Referendum 121 and the upgrade of the relay chain to runtime v9420, Polkadot OpenGov is now running on Polkadot. OpenGov · Polkadot Wiki

The Polkadot Delegation Dashboard is now available to easily delegate your votes. https://delegation.polkadot.network/

Among the first referenda is the upgrade the Bridge Hub to runtime v9420 on the Whitelisted track. Untitled - Referenda V2 | Polkassembly

There are seven other Referenda already up for vote by all DOT holders. Polkadot/Substrate Portal

The Gov1 pallet remains active for now, with a few remaining democracy referenda, but it is not encouraged to use it. It is likely to be phased out in a future runtime upgrade.

For details on the testing and roadmap for the Polkadot-Kusama bridge, see this Polkadot Forum post. Polkadot <> Kusama Bridge

Kusama News

With ~ 36 hours left, Kintsugi is in the lead in the current parachain lease auction, although three other teams have been in the lead during the Ending Period. Kusama Auctions and Crowdloans | Parachains.info

There is a Referendum on the Whitelisted track to upgrade the Kusama relay chain to runtime v9430. [Fellows] Referendum #41: Runtime Upgrade v9430

Note that all Referenda on the Whitelisted track also require the sign-off of the Polkadot Technical Fellowship. OpenGov · Polkadot Wiki

The staking rate on Kusama continues to slowly increase and is now at 53.42%. Polkadot Staking Dashboard | Polkadot Staking (DOT)