Polkadot Digest 12 June 2023

Polkadot News

Referendum 121, proposing to upgrade the relay chain to runtime 9420 and enable Polkadot OpenGov, is passing with 99% in favor and three days left to vote. https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referendum/121

To understand what changes OpenGov makes to Polkadot governance, please see the wiki: OpenGov · Polkadot Wiki

Referendum 119, proposing to swap Acala to a different parachain slot, is passing with 93% in favor and nine hours left to vote. https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referendum/119

Referendum 123, proposing to open HRMP channels between Statemint and Litentry, Composable, Polkadex, and Zeitgeist is passing with 99% in favor and 22 days left to vote. Batch of HRMP Channels with Statemint | Polkassembly

Kusama News

Altair has won the most recent parachain lease auction. Kusama Auctions and Crowdloans | Parachains.info

On the Root track, the Kabocha proposal to move their paraid to a new manager address is still Deciding, with 95% in favor. https://kusama.polkassembly.io/referenda/213

There are eight other Referenda to be voted on in Kusama OpenGov. Polkadot/Substrate Portal

For understanding how Kusama OpenGov works, please see the Kusama Guide: OpenGov · Guide