OpenGov Portal for Active Participants

Getting into OpenGov is complex. There are explainers about the mechanisms in the Wiki, but not practical website exists that explains the status quo… until today.

OpenGov.Watch has created the OpenGov Portal

A Tour through the OpenGov Portal

Department Pages

The OpenGov Portal is a page that shows in practical terms how the different work streams of OpenGov can be understood. It provides a page for specific “departments”, which are essentially clusters of related work:

Each department page comes at least with a list of related bounties and some open issues (related forum thread) that people could pick up on if they wanted to contribute:


The next part is a summary of existing legislation through WFCs (see the forum post for additional context)

Next to a table of successful WFCs, it includes a structured overview of existing legislation.

Governance Initiatives

Lastly, it contains some additional reports on certain sections of ecosystem development that deserve special attention and where work is ongoing in OpenGov.

Moving Forward

A few things we want to flesh out:

  • more details for each department, maybe finding rapporteurs for each
  • further file relevant ecosystem issues and potentially develop a job board in the future
  • continue to record on-chain legislation, and push for more


Feel free to let us know how we can make this more useful for you.