NFTMozaic - Decentralized Future's Recipient - CTA!

Hey all,

This is a quick and straightforward post about the latest initiative that was introduced in the Polkadot ecosystem, NFTMozaic.

Earlier this week, NFTMozaic was awarded a Decentralized Futures Grant by the Web3 Foundation to establish Polkadot as the leading ecosystem for NFT-related projects and initiatives!

With this support, NFTMozaic will play a pivotal role in driving NFT growth and adoption across the Polkadot network, ultimately becoming the Polkadot NFT alliance hub for everyone.

At the core, NFTMozaic will focus on 4 elements:

  • Business Development
  • Marketing
  • Technical Efforts
  • Governance

In the coming weeks and going into the new year, NFTMozaic will have one-to-one talks and discussions with NFT projects to further align with their goals, current strengths, and challenges — a crucial step in outlining everyone’s needs and the project’s strategic plan for NFT success.

The main part: If you’re someone or a project interested in the Polkadot ecosystem looking to get involved, and want to help drive the NFT vision on Polkadot, don’t hesitate to reach out!


Additional resources below:


Congrats to the team on securing the DF funding! :slight_smile: Looking forward to seeing broader NFT adoption.

I’m curious, how do you plan to boost NFT outreach and enhance Polkadot’s brand awareness in the NFT space?

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