Good news!
On Sept 30, we finally executed the 10MM MYTH Airdrop contemplated by OpenGov Ref 643 to 475K+ Polkadot addresses, and I’m happy to report its 100% complete.
Polkadot citizens can claim their MYTH Airdrop here:
The airdrop has MYTH as a “foreignAsset” in Polkadot Asset Hub, and the above results in MYTH being teleported to
You can see the recent claiming activity of people here:
After 643 passed, we worked with Michael Naftaliev @ Scytale this summer to turn 8 or so English criteria into SQL, of who should get how much MYTH for doing what. After getting a basic draft in place a couple of dozen community members helped us debug our work by asking me questions (mostly why they did didn’t meet xyz criteria ). We shared our methodology here, and Parity data kindly arrived at a similarish dataset with similarish methodology
Rather than debate methodology, we simply combined the “higher of the two” and finalized it in August here. It was cool to see us Dune (from OpenGov 366) and Dotlake be used as tools.
The DAO-to-DAO token swap between Polkadot DAO and the Mythos Foundation happened with a 7-member 643 multisig holding onto the 10MM MYTH whilst the above happened. I built multisig scripts to execute 1245 batches of foreignAssets.transfer operations for a 3-member multisig. This weekend, the 7-member multisig sent over the MYTH to the 3-member multisig (me @ Colorful Notion, Scytale and @alice_und_bob @ OpenGov.Watch). We did it all on Sept 30 without any “hot wallet” risk, double payments, … to meet a 9/30 deadline
. Happy to report that the numbers checked out today
At Mythical Games request, we asked our terrific collaborators at MVP Workshop to build the one-way-teleport/claim based on a massive simplification of (designed for Polkadot Asset Hub). Hundreds of people have already claimed hundreds of thousands of MYTH already. We hope it will be tens of thousands soon.