@Pheeb we discussed this area briefly in Kusama direction related to working on a strategy and direction for Kusama and its spending, considering the outcomes we want rather than continuing to spray funds in a more generic ‘domain’ based way.
Currently the spending queue will soon be empty in Kusama - what kind of things do we want to see appear in these budgeted tracks?
In terms of “income” how do you see this resolving? Are you talking about fees? Repatriating funds to the treasury such as KappaSigmaMu pot? Diversifying?
@asteeber I think this is perhaps the one elephant in the room that isn’t discussed enough - what is Kusama for? What role does it play? What constitutes essential spending? What is not? What should we be experimenting with? What business is the network in? What are the boundaries of “Kusama”?
This was my response to the quote taken from Shawn in the original post:
For me this conversation is vital to have - to at least give the collective a chance to pause and consider the bigger picture. Pressing on without spending a little time digging into this will address an issue, without really digging deeper into the weeds.
Should we start this as a separate thread and keep this focused on the runtime parameters?