A Kusama Forum - Place for longform debate and healthy discussion

@shawntabrizi you outline the core elements of ‘Kusama’ in your view, but are these elements really the boundaries of the network? Surely Kusama is also the functions of the appended parachains? And if so, its culture and features and culture are far more complex and interdependent than the elements you list.

Were DOT to be the token that operates both Kusama and Polkadot - and therefore the only difference between the networks were the speed of governance / other parameters this would be true.

But since Kusama has its own token and distribution and importantly spending decisions (aka what it chooses to build and become), it is evolving into something different irrespective of what people might want or like and this should be seen as a good thing.

With respect, its this sort of comment that makes people not want to engage in debate here.