Is there a schedule for updating the tutorial?

Is there a schedule for updating the tutorial?

I cannot get this pallet tutorial to work properly with the latest version.

It seems that there are changes like the following:

  • pallet-nicks is not in the latest version
  • The latest template code has changed from what’s in the docs

Is there a plan to update this tutorial? Also, are there any good tutorials for learning about pallets?

I also recently learned from the tutorials available on as well, running into similar issues.

It seems that the template code has changed, and there is no longer a construct_runtime! macro. Is that the issue you’re facing? Now, the pallet needs to be added in the #[frame_support::runtime] block.

I looked up the configurations used by some parachains on GitHub, such as t3rn and Moonbeam, which were helpful in my case.

The substrate docs website is very outdated, some work has been done to mark it as deprecated. For now, you’ll see all the up-to-date docs in the Rust docs.

You can also find some new tutorials (or guides). Keep in mind it might be a little bit rough around the edges but it will always work with the latest version of the SDK, as all the examples are compiled as part of the monorepo.


Hi! I don´t know if this will help you, but have you checked the PBA channel on YouTube?

Hi @ikeda-minden - Yeah, the doc’s are out of date, although there is work being done as we speak to ensure all doc’s are given a thorough update (and maintained), so this is currently a WIP.

The teams behind it are Parity, W3F & the Papermoon Team who we’re recently awarded funds for their DF Proposal.

You can check out their original DF Futures Proposal here: Decentralized Futures: Ecosystem DevRel Team for Polkadot by PaperMoon

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Thank you for this. It’s good to know there are teams working on an update. There is so much going on in this ecosystem that it is difficult to keep track of all of the ongoing projects.

I made a similar forum post a couple months ago about outdated introductory learning material, and didn’t receive any feedback - perhaps I didn’t address the issue properly, or it was posted in the wrong category.

I love the idea of a thorough update, and the DF Futures Proposal you linked indicates Papermoon has some good ideas about how to move forward. Has there been any update on their progress?

BUT, good things take time. Right now we find ourselves in a place where we have spent millions of dollars/DOT on marketing in an effort to get people to take a look at Polkadot. Having incorrect front-facing material up for as long as it has been is a bad look, and as a “dev-first” ecosystem that markets its framework as easy-to-use, it is ironic that THIS front-facing documentation is incorrect. This is a small, easy-to-overlook detail that I believe can have massive implications.

There are currently pull requests on the Substrate Docs that address the issue, and could easily serve as a temporary solution. How do we make that happen?


Thank you all for your responses.
I understand that the docs are outdated and an update is a work in progress.

For now, I will refer to these new docs:

Please excuse me for going a bit off-topic, but I’d like to take advantage of this conversation to ask for some advice. What would you recommend to someone who is a technical-level computer science student and wants to explore Polkadot? What is the first thing they should learn in terms of development?

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@lilymendzdev the answer is certainly Rust.

Fluency in Rust is often the number one blocker for new developers trying to build with the Polkadot SDK.

As for tutorials, I have written two up to date tutorials, along with other developer resources, which can be found here:


Thank you very much Shawn :+1:

Shawn’s Rust State Machine closed a lot of gaps for me. Highly recommended. His lectures in the FRAME section of the PBA YouTube are also proving to be extremely helpful.


This will at least explain and wrap up the situation, and hoping that the new wave resources will increase over time (for example: [Decentralized Futures] PaperMoon - First Updates)

Meta Depreaction by kianenigma · Pull Request #2172 · polkadot-developers/substrate-docs · GitHub


Thank you @kianenigma!

I’m excited to see your depreciation tags coming to the Substrate Docs homepage. I think this will go a long way in clearing up some confusion as other teams work to update documentation to Polkadot-SDK.