Ink!ubator 2.0 – proposal for treasury funding to accelerate polkadot's growth through ink! smart contracts

Hey Shawn, thanks for engaging!

Directly answering your question, the best resource to clarify this at the moment would be the forum post by the ink!alliance:

I would like to add that all the involved entities here definitely share the same goal of achieving success and fruitful adoption of the ecosystem.

As the platform evolves into “a VM to rule them all,” it would be great to see a variety of different languages being able to deploy and run together in the same environment. This would allow developers from other ecosystems to use the stacks they are already familiar with while keeping the doors open to others as well. The more options, the better. This, of course, falls under the responsibilities of the ink!alliance rather than the ink!ubator, and the team is working hard to ensure that ink! runs on PVM.

ink! features native interoperability, allowing its developers to write programs that can utilize different services connected to Polkadot. The language is friendly for both Web3 and Web2 developers alike, providing users with options and flexibility. This brings a more appealing argument for building interesting applications based on smart contracts within this ecosystem.

I would also like to invite everyone to keep in mind that ink! is not starting from scratch. It has a solid foundation and a rich set of tools built around it, and it continues to attract the attention of builders. (SRLabs is developing a fuzzer for the language out of their own initiative and interest - Phink!)

The ink!ubator is a way to nurture the developer community for ink!, allowing them to grow their ideas more easily and create more solutions on top of Polkadot.