Finality stall on Kusama (15.02.2024) - post mortem

What happened?

Around 2023-02-15 22:00 UTC Kusama experienced an uptick in disputes:

Which then resulted in a finality stall. Here is a graph of the finalized blocks:

As visible on the graph above the finality stall lasted for around an hour. An hour later (around 2023-02-15 23:57 UTC) there was another finality stall:

And again at the same time disputes were raised:


Considering the symptoms we suspected that the finality stall is caused by the disputes. There weren’t too many disputes in total (7 to be precise) but the two events were too correlated to ignore.

First we realised that all finality stalls continue up to 500 blocks (note the blue line):

We have got a safety net in the code for such cases. In nutshell it kicks in when finality lag reaches 500 blocks. Concretely for disputes it considers those older than 500 blocks ancient and they are ignored. This fact lead us to the hypothesis that the disputes are blocking finality somehow.

The only place where a dispute might interfere with finality is the DetermineUndisputedChain call which is handled by the dispute-coordinator (the subsystem responsible for disputes on the client side in the polkadot binary) and used to determine the longest undisputed chain. The problem should be in this call.

Finding the root cause

After reviewing the changelogs of the recent versions we noticed that in v1.6.0 we have released a feature named “Validator disabling in Dispute Participation”. It performs offchain (local for each node) disabling of validators which had raised unjustified disputes. For example if a validator disputes a candidate and the dispute resolves as ‘Valid’ we add the validator to a disabled list and ignore any disputes from it for six sessions.

Unfortunately the logic had a flaw. If an already disabled validator raises a dispute again, dispute-coordinator will import the dispute and consider it active. However since the initiator is disabled the local node will not participate in the dispute. Neither will the rest of the validators. Bottom line we are stuck at a disputed chain, but the dispute never resolves because no one votes for/against it.

Summary of the problem

So what actually happened on February 15th? A validator raised a dispute, lost it and got disabled. The same validator then attempted to start another dispute. Nodes correctly imported the votes and they did not participate so the dispute never got Confirmed (1/3 participation). But at the same time the dispute incorrectly remained in Active state because it was imported, but the only votes seen were coming from a disabled validator. Despite never getting Confirmed the disputes in their Active state were considered a potential risk by the chain selection logic (used by GRANDPA) which omitted any blocks including them.

The core of the problem is that those disputes were being marked as Active (a threat) while they were actually non-threatening. This lead to the huge finality lag.

Another good question is why a dispute was raised on the first place? Unfortunately we can’t be 100% sure without logs from the validator which raised it but our investigation makes us believe the reason was a heavy candidate. The candidate under investigation (one of the disputed ones) was quite heavy - 7.5MB uncompressed POV and 1.7 secs (the timeout is 2 secs) execution time on Apple M1 Max CPU which is more powerful than the reference hardware for a validator.

The fix

We resolved the issue with #3358. What it does is when a dispute is triggered solely by Disabled validators it is imported but not marked as Active. This way the dispute is not considered a threat and should not mark the fork as disputed and omitted by Grandpa. Dispute will only get marked as Active once we get at least a single vote from a non-Disabled validator. In that case the dispute processing continues as for a regular dispute.

Lessons learnt

We take all changes very seriously especially the one related to security (disputes in this case). And still we ended up in a situation where a relatively easy to catch issue sneaked in to production.

After reflecting we came to the conclusion that we didn’t spend enough effort on long running tests for this feature. We had an automated test which tested the exact scenario which happened on Kusama (link). However we didn’t let the test run long enough so that the problem was uncovered.

Lesson learnt: always add a finality check in each test. After asserting the expected behaviour (what we did) we also need to assert that the network is in a healthy state after that (this we missed).

This problem was further amplified by the fact that we used zombienet-sdk. It is the next generation of our zombienet testing tool but at the moment it supports only native provider. This means that we can’t do the tests as part of our CI pipeline but only locally. Even if we had a good test, not running it as part of the CI is a huge red flag. On the other side having a long running test running for each PR will unnecessary delay development. We need to find a good balance between coverage and developer experience.

Lesson learnt: All tests are part of the CI. Period! If you can’t automate it - it doesn’t exist. To avoid adding unnecessary delay to PR merging we will prepare a test suite which will be run on master on daily basis and can be invoked manually for some PRs.


The incident was a caused by an incorrectly handled dispute which stalled finalization until additional safety measures kicked in and unstalled the chain. The issue was found and addressed.


Shout out to:

  • @alexggh for the thorough investigation during the incident.
  • @andronik for the debugging providing the quick fix.
  • @eskimor for the valuable help with debugging and feedback for the fix.
  • @Overkillus for the help with figuring out the details around the incident and writing the post mortem.

An excellent and very clear writeup - thank you very much for sharing it.

In this event, do the disabled validators get to vote in the Active dispute or are they still excluded? If excluded, is it possible - if unlikely - that more than 1/3 of validators could have been excluded (or not participating for some other reason) and the dispute cannot be concluded? Probably an edgecase on top of an edgecase that would never actually occur (until it does).

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Thank you @jelliedowl

In general if a disabled node votes on a dispute its vote should be disabled. Also if a dispute is raised by a disabled validator and no one else has voted in it - it won’t be considered Active. We need at least one non-disabled vote so that the dispute becomes active.

Furthermore for safety reasons we don’t disable more than 1/3 of the validators exactly for the case you mentioned - if too many validators are disabled active disputes won’t conclude.

If your question was related to the day of the incident - at that point there was only one disabled validator, so disputes conclusion was not blocked.

No, it was a "post update, what happens next time if… " question.

I think this probably covers it. But if we had 1/3 disabled and a few not participating in GRANDPA (I assume this isn’t a BEEFY things - but I’ve not looked at BEEFY) for some reason, could we still end up stuck (in the event of a new dispute raised by a non-banned validator). Would it be safer to set it to “not more than 1/4 disabled”?

Of course, getting to the point where 1/3 of validators are raising invalid disputes in the first place suggests something it pretty wrong - or possibly that we have a lot of heavy blocks coming in and many performance-marginal validator nodes.

[EDIT: Assuming the theshold for settling a dispute is 2/3 rather than 50% + 1]

Would it be safer to set it to “not more than 1/4 disabled”?

Of course the limit can always be changed. But with the current one - if we disable 1/3 of the validators we have 2/3 operational. 1/3 is needed to confirm the dispute, 1/2+1 to conclude it. I think we are already on the safe side.

Of course, getting to the point where 1/3 of validators are raising invalid disputes in the first place suggests something it pretty wrong - or possibly that we have a lot of heavy blocks coming in and many performance-marginal validator nodes.

Also true. By design we can handle no more than 1/3 byzantine nodes. Having more than 1/3 already breaks a lot of assumptions.

Just saw your edit. A dispute is confirmed when 1/3 of the validators participate, not 2/3.

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Great - thank you.

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Also once a dispute is considered active, it will conclude, even if a full third is disabled as we are then still counting their votes. We just refrain from participation as long as only disabled nodes participated. Votes are still counted, for exactly the reason you mentioned.


Thanks guys. Sorry, I seem to spend most of my time looking for edge cases and attack vectors in code at the moment and I had to pull the thread. Probably I should have just gone and checked the code rather than asking the question (though I’m not sure where I would be looking).

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Eventually documented here.

For now just as diff here, because the PR was not yet merged.