Feedback for new DApp content for the Polkadot Blockchain Academy

Thank you for the question Nina,

So far the smart contracts module was mainly concentrated on ink! but this is something that I (personally) would like to expand. Following Rob’s article on Plaza, snd feedback we have so far from alumnus and community, we are brainstorming in adding more lectures around EVM, PVM, intro to smart contract and generic information around it, Frontier, and most likely both Solidity and ink!

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That’s great to hear and also a smart move, in my opinion. If you need any input, I am happy to help since I’ve done some solidity teaching and building tooling for it in the past. Hopefully we can collaborate in the future with the tools we plan to develop for Polkadot :slight_smile:


here’s some good inspiration, speedrun-ethereum and they have a nice community buidlguidl.

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I think there is a lot of really good Solidity content already out there on the internet.

I think it would be a mistake for the PBA to rebuild that content rather than delegating to other open source education programs for Solidity.

I would expect anything covering solidity to be assuming the reader knows the basics, and showing specific examples for how to integrate and use systems specific to Polkadot.

For example, building a solidity contract which specifically can receive and return funds to the Polkadot treasury, and has on-chain logic which manages a DAO.

Another example would be any logic which could allow reading of Pallet storage, and also handling fozen and held funds versus just the free balance.

I would also hope that we would piggy back off of Solidity with how we teach ink!.

Ideally, we would not need to teach any (or many) new concepts about Contract development and best practices, and instead just explain the new syntax with Rust and differences between EVM and Pallet Contracts.


Thank you for this write-up Nikos.

With the soon-to-come advent of Plaza, an application development module makes a lot of sense. I do think the module(s) needs thought: e.g. what will it consist of?

Two ways I see this:

  1. What are we looking for in terms of decentralized apps that leverage Plaza? What would success on Plaza look like? e.g. I vibrant ecosystem of contracts tapping into Polkadot functionality? If so, how can this module(s) support this?

  2. What kind of decentralized apps are developers building in the wider ecosystem or in need of building, and how can we enable this on smart contract platforms like Plaza and Pop Network, as well as leveraging all of the Polkadot tech stack that is available e.g. specialized parachains, tooling, storage, etc.

At R0GUE, we deeply care about proper education. We have a tool (Pop CLI) that allows for rapid development of appchains and smart contracts. We are also building a runtime-level API that will allow, feature-by-feature for ink! smart contracts to leverage Substrate runtime-level functionality. Our focus has been mainly on backend dApp development. I do believe having an integrated approach to backend dApp development is the way to build powerful Polkadot-enabled Web3 solutions. The easy, recommended path forward, is for devs to start with smart contracts, if needed they can either access or curate functionality on the blockchain level to better suit their Web3 needs.

That being said, a bit of user research cannot hurt. I wrote this post a while back about a friend that wanted to build a Web3 solution, and the constraints he found when he was considering building on the “Polkadot tech stack”.

I like to solve for real-world problems, so on a higher note, what are the essential building blocks that one would need to build a Web3 (or even Web2.5) product on the Polkadot tech stack? Some that I can think of:

  • Smart contract logic (decentralized, permissionless programmability)
  • Ability to use USDT payments on their dApp so this is more than just having USDT available on AssetHub, typically there needs to be programmability around this
  • Wallet compatibility/abstraction (who wants to build a dApp that is only available for Polkadot (wallets) users; either have wider wallet compatibility or abstract the wallet (similar to what Apillon is doing by wrapping accounts under a Kilt DID)


  • A complete token launch solution (minting an asset on AH is not enough, the ability for a dApp business to bootstrap their own token for further development of their dApp and to build a community around their dApp along with governance (decentralized decision-making)
  • Governance (how will the dApp integrate new features? A true decentralized dApp should have this option, it does not need to be there from day one, but I do see this as part of the decentralized roadmap for a mature dApp

Looking forward to further discussions! And I want to say that R0GUE is very much interested in helping on the ink! side of things :pray:


Hey Nikos!

Have you guys considered recording you lectures and presentation material for classes to make the PBA course available as an online course?? (or is that already up and available somewhere?)

As a Web 2.0 business that is extending our offering and capabilities to Web3, Polkadot is a great fit, makes the most sense, and our top choice our our foundation to start building. The challenge or barriers to entry is the learning curve for my team is learning/getting up to speed with Polkadot and Substrate since we have not been able to recruit an experienced developer that qualified for our requirements (yet). We looked into developer resources and saw the PBA had no sessions or class schedule coming up, so the team wanted to review other options while we looked into and waited for more information.

One last topic that I felt was worth sharing, there is a lot of great resources and content/information for developers - but so much info that is not organized or all in one place. A lot of the most useful content will be buried in the comments section of Github vs on Polkadot.Network or its wiki. I know this impacts real world opportunities for Polkadot’s growth.

There should be an urgent focus on aggregating and consolidating all of the developer’s resources for all stages - and making the learning available online 24/7.

Thank you very much!

Hye @interpolls

This is irrelevant to this topic but still part of our upcoming plans. You can read more information here: Decentralized Futures- PBA-X