🎉 Opening Polkadot Blockchain Academy Content to the World

After a year of development, testing, and meticulous fine-tuning, we’re absolutely thrilled to share the Polkadot Blockchain Academy course materials with the World!

Since its inception, the Polkadot Blockchain Academy has been on an inspiring journey of growth and evolution. With each iteration, we have strived to improve our curriculum and learning experience, creating a platform that equips aspiring builders with the skills they need to thrive in the Polkadot ecosystem.

We owe this progress to the unwavering dedication of our content contributors, instructors, students, and alumni. These groups of people have been instrumental in creating and refining our content, ensuring that it aligns with the latest developments in blockchain. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to them for their dedication, knowledge-sharing, and commitment to fostering a strong learning environment. :bowing_man: :heart_hands:

We believe that opening up the Academy’s content will allow everyone in the Polkadot ecosystem to benefit from the highly valuable and carefully crafted, highly technical, content.

:notebook_with_decorative_cover: Course Materials Book – (source code)

:point_up: Be sure to read the home and “:magic_wand: Using this Book” pages before you dig in further.

What is in the Book?

The Book includes most of what is covered in class: slides, notes, references, ungraded (rust heavy :crab:) activities and exercises. The materials that will remain private to our students, staff, and faculty is our graded assignments, some ungraded activity and exercise solutions, and our in person only learning experiences. You can read through it and complete the activities and exercises on your own, although we know that much more value comes from joining our one-of-a-kind in person educational experience.

Where and when is the next in person opportunity?

We have just opened applications for cohorts in Hong Kong (January 2024) and Singapore (May 2024)! Expanding from the Academy’s initial focus on core protocol development (builders), the program now includes two fully-fledged curricula for both builders and Polkadot project founders. We encourage those looking to level-up and aspiring Polkadot builders and founders to apply today to be in the running to join us in this highly competitive, most costs covered, five week intensive, once-in-a-lifetime experience. :stars:

Thank you!

We are thrilled to take this significant step in supporting the Polkadot ecosystem in life-long learning! Thank you for being part of this incredible journey, and are so excited to be embarking on this next phase with you and the Polkadot community!


Do note that at this time all public repositories are not intended to be the home of content development, rather the master copies of content will be refined in private with our faculty for each student cohort, and then published to these public repositories when ready after each cohort. The public repositories are open to pull requests for minor edits and typos: please do help us spot any spelling errors and any visual or UX improvements! :grinning:

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As a grad of the recent Berkeley cohort, I can vouch that the materials even by themselves are quite helpful, but if you’re looking at this post and wondering if you should take the plunge for the academy, definitely go for it! It is extremely worth the time!


Wow! This is going to be a great resource. Thank you


Great news!
I was at the Buenos Aires Academy, and I will for sure revisit some of the content as time passes.


This is really an awesome development, Happening at the right time

This is a great resource preparing me, so that I can read up before starting PBA! :rofl: