Polkadot Blockchain Academy: Introduction from Alexandra

Hello everyone! :wave:

I’m Alexandra working on the Polkadot Blockchain Academy, and I’m heading the community work at the Academy.

Let me say a fews words about the Academy. The Polkadot Blockchain Academy is an intensive, in-person education program covering both the conceptual underpinnings and the hands-on application of Blockchain technology, using the Polkadot and Substrate blockchain ecosystem as the foundation for blockchain development. We had our first wave of the Academy in Cambridge this summer.

I’m looking forward to connecting with everyone!



Hi Alexandra,

Do you have any plan already on another edition of the Academy, would this be repeated every year or do you have a different format in head ?

Hey! Yes, we are working on the second wave of the Academy (details will follow shortly). And it is planned to be a recurring event (at least once a year).


I was also a student at the Academy, and it was an amazing experience since I had very little blockchain exposure before the academy, but was already building substrate pallets and parachains by the end of the academy.
So I 100% recommend this to anyone who’s considering.