End-2-End Blockchain Infrastructure Manager

Hello Polkadot ecosystem! This is Ainhoa, from zondax and I’m presenting you the following proposal:


In the current Polkadot landscape, developers face significant challenges in launching new projects with substantial efforts and costs involved in tasks like initiating chains, running collator networks, managing testnets, handling DevOps responsibilities, overseeing quality assurance, providing customer support, managing integration issues.

The process of bootstrapping a chain demands extensive resources and attention across various fronts and stakeholders, from dealing with Mobile and desktop wallets, to indexers, APIs, explorers and aggregators, to name a few. This presents a complex and resource-intensive undertaking for blockchain initiatives.

These factors, among others, contribute to the challenges of scalability and raise the entry barriers for deploying projects on Polkadot.

End-2-End Blockchain Infrastructure Manager Proposal

What this proposal is NOT about:

  • Another node hosting platform
  • A direct competitor to Zombienet (we actually like them!)
  • A limited scope no-code platform
  • Creating silly barriers to exit. Anyone can run nodes independently too.

What this proposal IS about:

  • Contribute back to a community we love! :heart_hands:
  • A complete Blockchain Management solution. Imagine traditional web hosting vs Vercel/Heroku.
  • Polkadot 2.0 Native Integration (Coretime, Coreplay and Corecast).
  • End-to-end polkadot workflows: development, testnet, genesis, mainnet, upgrades, monitoring, etc
  • Real Low-Cost with Premium Features solution, including a free tier.

How will this benefit the ecosystem?

  • Get teams to iterate and innovate quickly. Concentrate on use cases.
  • Lowering Entry Barriers for Project Launch
  • Reduce expenditure by optimizing workflows

Looking forward to your thoughts and feedback!