Decentralized Voices Cohort 4: Bruno Galvao

DOT: 16hkVKMehgVjTP7AsUvhU8rsYQhK9JDirPWWhpAwHaFTHRfc

Hello World!

I am Bruno. I am passionate about Polkadot and love to engage with the developer community.


The latest project that I am working on is the Polkadot Study Group, a group dedicated to pioneering Web3 through Polkadot. In this project, I am working on designing a DAO protocol using Solidity/PVM as well as applying the DAO to a subset of PSG itself. A secondary project that PSG is working on is a Polkadot Solidity IDE - we already have a working prototype and are looking at rounding some of the corners.

Previous work:

Governance Philosophy

I would like to be a voice for projects that are technically savvy - that have a good chance to leave an impactful on-chain thumbprint in Polkadot history (immutable ledger).

Ultimately I would use the delegated voice to take worthy technical projects, break them down to easy-to-understand concepts that I can relate to a non-technical community via AAG: why the project is important, what is its potential, and how it will improve Polkadot.

I believe by electing me as a delegated voice, more grassroot teams will feel empowered to submit technical projects that can help propel Polkadot forward as the leading blockchain in the Web3 space.

I am also a member of the PBA Alumni Voting DAO.



Best of luck Bruno!

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Goodluck Bruno!

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Awesome. Best of luck ser!

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Good luck Bruno! :saluting_face: