Decentralized Voices: Cohort 2 -Alex PromoTeam

Decentralized Voices: Cohort 2 -Alex PromoTeam Application

Alex PromoTeam (Linkedin)
Polkadot Head Ambassador for the Russian speaking community. Joined the Polkadot Ambassador Program in 2019. Created and Developed several communities with a total audience 60K+ Different languages and regions: Russia / Central Asia / International. Social platforms - Twitter / Telegram / YouTube / Medium. Invited thousands of new users, dozens of developers and projects to the Ecosystem. Organised and spoke at 2 big Meetups in Moscow, 6 in Tashkent, 1 Belgrade and numerous small meetups.

DV representative on Kusama
I was selected by the DV program on Kusama in the 1st Cohort. During my time as DV, I provided explanations for each proposal and provided bi-weekly voting reviews for both Kusama and Polkadot. I proved that I have the skills and competencies to serve as a DV representative for Polkadot and/or Kusama in the second cohort.

Polkadot Ecosystem PromoTeam — global and regional adoption of Polkadot/Kusama. We are the international team of Web3 fans. One of the first contributors to the Polkadot ecosystem.

Alex PromoTeam one of the core members of PromoTeam.
Alex is a Validator, Ambassador and longterm contributor to the ecosystem Here are some of our accounts, we educate and inform our 60K+ audience:


Polkadot Parachain Announcements

Curating, publishing & supporting Web3 development. Bringing you Parachain updates. Join us:


PromoTeam Channel

My philosophy and approach to OpenGov is pretty simple:
- Fair - I vote only fair offers, good balance of costs / efficiency / reputation
- Transparent - I prepare the review of our votings where we explain the decision
- Effective - I vote all the votings , dont use bots , do research of every offer
- True - I am big fan of Web 3 concept and Polkadot, so I am interested to make Ecosystem flourish.

To delegate your votes to PromoTeam Validator, please select these accounts:

Polkadot: 12BkPLskXyXrHhktrinLxVFkPzzvCzCyVCaqHkUEoxMwSzeq (Voting History)

Kusama: Dm4uKxZJZHJbpZpfnYPiHnbgyHWKMU1s5h6X7kqjfYv1Xkk (Voting History)


Dr Cao from AIWeb3 (focusing on Chinese content creators and community building) would like to share our support, the regional voice should be heard, and Alex did great job as Polkadot head ambassador for Russian, and also very active in the opengov, we would like to support Alex PromoTeam

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