Connecting Ops/business support teams in the ecosystem

Hi everyone! :wave: :wave: I’m Rebecca and I work at Parity as an Operations Manager (i.e. non-technical, business support and processes role (as opposed to DevOps)).

I’ve been in touch with some Ops professionals in the ecosystem, particularly from our parachains, and we have started a :iphone: Telegram chat group for Polkadot Operations people (business support teams rather than technical) where we can ask questions and get support, share advice and learnings, and get to know other Ops professionals in the ecosystem.

  • We realised that while there is a fair amount of support for new developers in the ecosystem and technical material available, there is less for people on the business support side. At this stage the group is still very much in its infancy, but we’re hoping to bridge that gap a little bit by connecting Polkadot Ops people in the first instance.

  • We’re also planning to have occasional group calls, and perhaps in the future we could also look at setting up some kind of shared knowledge hub, or something else that might be helpful to growing the Polkadot ecosystem - or at least be mutually beneficial for our teams.

We would love to connect with more of our wider Polkadot Ops “colleagues”, so if you are interested in joining the group or participating in any way please get in touch on and I can share the details with you. :blush:


Awesome initiative! :sunglasses: