Concerns of Flagship Polkadot Event Spending

As always, I had a fantastic time at Polkadot Decoded; however, this was purely because I was surrounded by so many people who felt like family to me, not so much because of the event’s execution.

Forgive me if I demonstrate some inaccuracies or misunderstandings; I believe approximately €1.28m (see: Polkadot Decoded 2024 treasury spend tranche 1/2 | Polkassembly) was allocated towards the Decentered team led by Joern. I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around this. While I believe it’s important to assume innocence until proven guilty, I am curious whether some form of thievery has occurred. I do believe that dishonest practices are taking place by Joern and/or his team to extract & essentially steal very large sums of money from the Polkadot community. I’m far from the only one concerned about this matter from what is being said across different ecosystem clusters & chats.

I think back to last year’s Decoded & the infamous concerns expressed by the community over funding both before and after the event. One specific instance I find interesting when recounting is when Madeline was approached by a member of ChaosDAO & asked why the community had to pay for food when ~$300k had been given to their team to cover food expenditures. The reasoning she gave was “because the community complained about spending,” implying that those expenditures were scrapped. I remember that after Decoded ended, Joern told the community that unspent funds would be returned pending a final spending report. Yet, more than a year later, I don’t recall a final spending report, let alone any funds being returned. In this case, I believe the community has a right to know 1) whom all intentionally lied regarding this matter and 2) what happened to the funds.

I am willing to amend this position, but only after an independent third-party auditor, approved by ChaosDAO (or another large collective of community members), thoroughly audits the event expenses. This includes investigating potential rate discrepancies among the vendors used and comparing their rates to those charged to past clients to ensure nothing was inflated beyond justification.

Even with approximately €1.28m in funding, there was no food or drinks (excluding those provided by ChaosDAO and food vouchers, which attendees had to pay money to receive). Event apparel was only available to those who bought a ticket (getting a free ticket for being an EthCC pass holder forfeited access to food vouchers and shirts). So, even though tens of thousands of euros were allocated for both of these areas, neither was free except for water. At least we had croissants last year, along with free soda & fruit. This year, just water. Keep in mind that last year, the deposits individuals paid to attend Decoded were refunded. This year, the costs people paid were kept by the Decentered team. I really don’t get one could execute things worse than the year before despite having the same budget & preserving more funds paid by attendees. Also, please remember that the Decentered team has received direct funding through the Decentralized Futures program.

Furthermore, and regardless of all previous statements, I believe Joern & his team have poorly executed events with large spends one time too many. The bottom line: I believe Joern should have nothing to do with Polkadot events, if not nothing to do with the ecosystem at all. I understand that this next statement isn’t the most constructive; however, the Decentered team isn’t that great at what they do. They’re capable but mediocre, and Polkadot needs to evolve beyond mediocracy.

While I also hold a stance that Joern & his team should essentially be blacklisted from the treasury until a third-party audit has been completed (as noted previously in this post), I believe that it’s more important to open up the possibility of hosting our flagship events by allowing multiple proposals to compete for the privilege. This will allow the community to choose which organizer(s) should host the ecosystem’s most important annual events while also allowing the community to compare costs & scrutinize proposals better through these comparisons.

For starters, I think everyone must vote “Nay” on the Decentered team’s request for Sub0 Pre-funding to ensure that another large pool of funds is already allocated towards this event. Otherwise, this will essentially eliminate the ability for competing proposals and heightened scrutiny through their comparisons.


I have attended every Decoded and sub0 so far, and I too have concerns about the spending. As the organizer of amsterDOT 2022, I have a clear picture how much a well organized event can cost, and what can be provided as services for that price (food, drinks, DJs).

In spite of overspending, the quality of the events has been subpar. The size of venues has been a wild overshoot. After hours of presentations, people want to grab a drink and retreat to some corner with light background music where they can network. Somehow the organizers managed to neglect this feedback from the community for years. An attempt was made this year by ChaosDao who served good Belgian beer for free, only for the open bar to be “kicked out” from the venue at 6pm - they wouldn’t even let participants go to the bathrooms anymore… ?

I personally would like to see next Decoded being organized by someone else who is more attached to the community. I also think that whole concept needs to be rethought, we should ask ourselves whether we should be throwing $1M+ for an event which is mostly just visited by ourselves, and if we do - what quality of services we should expect for that price tag.


Hey Dakota,

We are so sorry to hear of these grave concerns regarding our reputation. It is extremely harmful and upsetting to hear statements and accusations such as these. There are no fraudulent activities transpiring from Decentered Studio. Furthermore we find this unfair to make such accusations before a final report has even been executed.

We would like to address each concern so that we may be able to bring further clarity and transparency to light.

  • 2023 Decoded Copenhagen F&B spending was at EUR 105k - not USD 300k as mentioned. Proof This included snacks and drinks for attendees but also catering for the technical crew (I would estimate 80 people or so) for before, during and after the conference.*
  • Spending report for 2023 was in fact done. Proof and also audited; while it is worthwhile to report that 2023 events were executed by Parity Technologies and were hosted by Web3 Foundation. Yes Madeline and I were employed by Parity Technologies but we were not the hosts nor the decision makers. So these concerns cannot be a reflection of Decentered Studio.
  • We invited and appointed in our proposal for Polkadot Decoded 2024 to have Mellow Yellow (of Chaos Dao) and Paradox to review the detailed budget before submitting our report and final tranche for this year.
  • In regards to the food vouchers. These were paid for from the ticket fees on the General Admission ticket, so this is why these attendees got the vouchers. And we also gave food vouchers to all speakers which were over 120 individuals, where this budget had to come from the total event budget. Each lunch voucher was equivalent to 25 EUR a day. Therefore for just speakers alone we had to allocate around 6000 EUR. In comparison to Copenhagen we thought this would be a better approach as then the attendee could choose if they wanted food included or not, without a need to provide a full catering infrastructure. We had around 1400 registrations for onsite tickets, if we provided “free” lunch vouchers for all registered attendees then we would of had to budget 70,000 EUR. Having it with the paid ticket also insured it would be used and not wasted. Whereas if it was provided for also free tickets there is the possibility that they money would then be wasted due to the high no-show rates related to free tickets.
  • As stated in our Polkadot Decoded funding proposal the fees for tickets help offset the burden of the request from the treasury. Decentered Studio does not keep these ticket fees. We use them to add to the event budget. The higher costs for the tickets such as General Admission directly pay for the Swag and Lunch Vouchers. The small fee for Basic Admission and Student Tickets go towards the overall event budget. If you refer to our budget table on pre-funding proposal you will see that the ticket fees are a negative and not representative of a profit for Decentered Studio.
    • To address your secondary point here as well, “This year, the costs people paid were kept by the Decentered team. I really don’t get one could execute things worse than the year before despite having the same budget & preserving more funds paid by attendees.” This is a false statement. The budget for last year was 1.35M and that did not include items such as food vouchers and speaker travel support. So in fact this year’s budget was less and included more. Secondly, we do not preserve any funds paid from attendees.
  • In regards to this point, “Furthermore, and regardless of all previous statements, I believe Joern & his team have poorly executed events with large spends one time too many.” The first event executed by Decentered Studio was sub0 Asia in March of 2024. As mentioned above any events in 2023 and beyond myself and Madeline were apart of the marketing team at Parity Technologies, however that in no way made us the direct organisers or decision makers.

We are prioritising the finalisation of a full spending report (down to line items) as we speak.

Madeline and Joern

I would agree with all the statements above.

I believe we are targeting events with 2000+ people and huge spaces. We must be realistic and have a smaller venue with fewer “Stages” and more streamlined content. By having a smaller venue, we can do something closer to the city center where we can attract more people.

Leaving room for networking is always important. But I agree that spending so much in Decoded 2024 was not worth it, and I think the general feeling was the same for Decoded 2023 in Copenhagen.

I would also call things that were done well (IMO):

  • Execution: everything was sort of well organized, from my perspective. Project check-in was good, and the information was clear
    Venue: Although too big and far from the city center, the venue was well organized and had plenty of hydration stations, coffee, chairs, etc. The check-luggage thing worked great, and the stage managers were helpful
  • 2023 Decoded Copenhagen F&B spending was at EUR 105k - not USD 300k as mentioned. Proof This included snacks and drinks for attendees but also catering for the technical crew (I would estimate 80 people or so) for before, during and after the conference.*
  • Spending report for 2023 was in fact done. Proof and also audited; while it is worthwhile to report that 2023 events were executed by Parity Technologies and were hosted by Web3 Foundation. Yes Madeline and I were employed by Parity Technologies but we were not the hosts nor the decision makers. So these concerns cannot be a reflection of Decentered Studio.

It appears you have edited documents since everything was finalized in 2023. You can be seen citing an expense of 220,000 Euros for the cost of food & beverage during 2023, seen here: Polkadot Decoded 2023, tranche 1/3 (June, Copenhagen, DK) | Polkassembly

I understand that you state that less than that was spent, which brings me back to one of my previous points: where did this money go? You seem to have only spent half of what was given regarding food and instead moved things around on your expenditures to increase previously noted costs. This can be seen when reviewing your original projected costs versus the final outcome. It appears you were able to find a way to move these costs around despite cutting back costs on food, as you claim.

Mind you, you already billed the treasury with a 15% markup in some cases, plus received 100,000 EUR as a contigency.

Also, why did you pay over 230,000 EUR for staffing costs? Can you please explain this with line-item expense reports?

While you may have been under the banner of Parity or the W3F then, you were still the lead individual responsible for what was ultimately deemed a lackluster execution. Your track record is yours, no matter which entity you may be working under.

Also, I don’t think the concern is that your invoices don’t add up to the money you received. The curiosity is whether those invoices are legitimate & were not inflated.

  • We invited and appointed in our proposal for Polkadot Decoded 2024 to have Mellow Yellow (of Chaos Dao) and Paradox to review the detailed budget before submitting our report and final tranche for this year.

That’s cool & all, but how about an independent third-party audit exactly as I outlined above? Shouldn’t be an issue.

  • In regards to the food vouchers. These were paid for from the ticket fees on the General Admission ticket, so this is why these attendees got the vouchers. And we also gave food vouchers to all speakers which were over 120 individuals, where this budget had to come from the total event budget. Each lunch voucher was equivalent to 25 EUR a day. Therefore for just speakers alone we had to allocate around 6000 EUR. In comparison to Copenhagen we thought this would be a better approach as then the attendee could choose if they wanted food included or not, without a need to provide a full catering infrastructure. We had around 1400 registrations for onsite tickets, if we provided “free” lunch vouchers for all registered attendees then we would of had to budget 70,000 EUR. Having it with the paid ticket also insured it would be used and not wasted. Whereas if it was provided for also free tickets there is the possibility that they money would then be wasted due to the high no-show rates related to free tickets.
  1. You charged 150 EUR per ticket.
  2. A majority of people already spent hundreds on their EthCC pass.
  3. What made you think paying 150 EUR for 50 EUR in food was compelling?
  4. “Would have had to budget 70,000 EUR” → You received 80,000 EUR…
  • In regards to this point, “Furthermore, and regardless of all previous statements, I believe Joern & his team have poorly executed events with large spends one time too many.” The first event executed by Decentered Studio was sub0 Asia in March of 2024. As mentioned above any events in 2023 and beyond myself and Madeline were apart of the marketing team at Parity Technologies, however that in no way made us the direct organisers or decision makers.

Again, it doesn’t matter which entity you are under. Your track record is yours. You don’t just get to ignore the fact that you did a poor job in the past.


Simply put, and all of your explanations aside, enough is enough.

The community deserves better than what you can provide, even if it is honestly your best - in which case, it honestly isn’t enough.

I recommend the community explore this recent post by @Birdo which (more constructively) covers concerns over event execution: The future of Polkadot events


We hear your concerns and as we mentioned are preparing a post event report and having it reviewed. We are also open to a third party review/audit. When we provide this we will make sure to provide a more itemized list of all costs. After the report has been posted and the reviews have been done you will see all your concerns have been addressed.
For comparing tranches pre and post event: please remember we work from an estimation 6-8 months before an event to an accurate spending report post event. That’s why we are even doing those tranches - to avoid an overspend. A contingency is there to be used for unpredictable increases or added spendings.

Dear Madeline and Joern,

Unfortunately, an itemized list of all costs will not provide any proof of expenses. What is needed right now are official receipts for all expenses. Only these could be considered as proof of expenses. If not provided, the doubt will remain on whether or not dishonest practices are taking place.

Best regards,


It seems your reasonings are contradicting your excuses.

I understand that costs may change over time. I also understand that the extra 100,000 EUR you received in the past was “there to be used for unpredictable increases or added spending.”

What I don’t understand is that you received 220,000 EUR for food, spent half of it, and never returned any funds despite a 100,000 EUR contingency. This implies you had an extra ~210,000 EUR (110,000 EUR in unspent food funds + a 100,000 EUR contingency). So, either somebody is inflating invoices to pocket money, or you aren’t great at estimating projected costs.

This is regarding Decoded 2023, which you unfortunately already got away with after submitting your final expense report six months late (you originally told us in July that it would be available “next month” → August; you only provided this in January, just before needing to submit your pre-funding proposal for Decoded 2024).

Regarding Decoded 2024, unfortunately, considering how things went (and the still existing suspicion around Decoded 2023), I don’t believe you’ll be able to sufficiently address my concerns until a third-party audit has been completed and all invoices & receipts have been investigated.

Furthermore, and again, I really think enough is enough. Just look at one of your recent excuses → You were given 80,000 EUR for food and then tried to make an excuse that providing free food would cost 70,000 EUR. What would the concern have been, only having 10,000 EUR left for water? You can buy plenty of water with 10,000 EUR.

ChaosDAO gave everyone unlimited beer for two days straight for 30,000 EUR, yet, with more than twice the amount, all you could provide was water. Really? A bunch of lads who aren’t necessarily experts in event organization were able to figure out how to spend money efficiently, but you couldn’t? Make it make sense. Please convince me that you’re not inflating invoices to pocket money because the more I think about it, the more that is the only thing that makes this make sense.

More importantly, the community is once again rallying to point out concerns & provide feedback on how you should have done things. Why are we doing this? Birdo provided a constructive report of things that should come naturally to you. He shouldn’t need to post these things. You are paid and supposed to be the expert here, and we shouldn’t need to do these things. We do them because things, once again, have not been executed well. Enough is enough.



I cannot disagree with saying the financial commitment to the event appears to be disproportionately large compared to the perceived value it delivers. This raises a need for an auditing mechanism within the Polkadot community to ensure such expenditures are justifiable and yield a strong return on investment.

Additionally, I wish to highlight a troubling legal concern that arose during the event. Our company, Crypto CTF OÜ, encountered issues when purchasing a ticket at the entrance, as the event staff failed to provide either an invoice or a receipt. This is particularly concerning given the regulatory expectations within the EU for clear and transparent financial transactions. Despite providing all necessary company details and stressing the importance of invoice provision, our request remains unfulfilled.

To address these issues effectively, I recommend the establishment of a dedicated auditing team within Polkadot. This team would oversee large expenditures, ensuring accountability and enforcing a framework that prioritizes strong returns on investments.

@XCAstronaut, I appreciate you taking a step.

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