Following up on this, and preparing for the release of coretime, I prepared a tool so that each team would know, when things are fully migrated, what they can expected. This assumes that sales start at block 22_793_600, which is in line with the referenda that was submitted yesterday.
Repo is here: GitHub - SBalaguer/coretime-migration: Tracking of coreitme expectations for Parachains.
The output of the tool looks something like this:
paraID: 2084,
name: 'Calamari',
coreUntilBlock: 23160700,
renewCoreAtSaleNumber: 1
Each paraID that has a slot on Kusama and/or Polkadot will be represented in this list. The output shows until which block the paraID has a core (coreUntilBlock
) and at which coretime sale the paraID has to renew its core.
In this case, paraID 2084 will have a core until block 23_160_700, however will have to renew this core during sale cycle 1.
It’s important to point out that with the current configuration, every team that has LP37 as a last LP will have the chance to renew their core, they won’t need to buy a new one on the open market. This means that during the first “renewal” period of the coretime sale cycle (which is interlude_length
long), these team will have a chance to just renew their core.
Teams that need to pay attention
Teams that have LP37 as their last LP and will have to renew their core, are:
- paraID: 2084 → Calamari
- paraID: 2124 → Amplitude
- paraID: 2092 → Kintsugi
- paraID: 2015 → Integritee
- paraID: 2087 → Picasso
- paraID: 2088 → Altair
Note: this does not consider the ongoing auction that has Integritee going against paraID 3347