Source : Kheopswap
Current liquidity for DOT/KSM AH Pool is very low, it will be nice to have some support to this pool Can we add liquidity from the treasury?
Source : Kheopswap
Current liquidity for DOT/KSM AH Pool is very low, it will be nice to have some support to this pool Can we add liquidity from the treasury?
hello @joepetrowski you may have better idea on this!!
The Kusama side is more promising
If/when the bridge allows it, Kusama could request DOT to the Polkadot treasury and use it to feed the pool and give rewards. I don’t know what pieces are missing, but in theory one of the governance origins in Kusama could send an XCM over the bridge to submit a proposal to use treasury.spend
which allows beneficiaries to be xcm locations, also in theory if the beneficiary is on the Kusama side the pallet should use the bridge automatically. It would be interesting to know what pieces are missing to make that happen.
With the I want to propose Kusama treasury to feed KSM to a smart contract in Kreivo to give rewards to the contributors of the pool.
Yeah, I think treasuries should fund the “main” pairs on both AHs. Not just DOT/KSM, but also respective USDT, USDC, WETH pools.
I’ll look into how we can do this.
We will also make a proposal to the Kusama Treasury for single-sided KSM addition to the Hydration Omnipool… we are currently waiting for some improvements to Chopsticks that will allow us to test this end to end
Thank you @acatangiu Any tentative timeline when more liquidity will be added?
Currently I find CEX as the only risk free option to swap This will be really beneficial if achieved