UX UI: Automatic payout for all validator


Can we create a pallet or something similar that executes all the pending payment of rewards for nominators across the entire chain for free or by using the treasury itself, couldn’t we? This would significantly improve the UI/UX for DOTSAMA holders.



Could probably now be done by using Task for scheduling these payouts.

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This would definitely be a valuable improvement for the UI/UX of Polkadot stakers. There’s already an existing issue for it: Polkadot SDK Issue #5894. With the AH migration currently a priority, this is lower on our list for now. That said, it’s a fantastic opportunity for someone to take the lead, and I’d be happy to provide support!

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Across the board would be a form of interference. Opt-in should be required at the very least.

This idea is typical of Polkadot - nothing is trivial enough to be left to for-profit services who compete on price and quality while creating demand for DOT’s currency uses. Then, as currency uses for DOT have no way to emerge because markets are destroyed with centralization and luxury grants, it becomes an idea for even more programs or services that should be funded by the DAO.

It’s a circular economy, yes, but one that circulates in the wrong direction.

Other people are not smart or chill as you guys think, please reconsider this to impro UX to end users


How to do it? pls share more

Who thinks that?

No one in earlier comments was against it.

As described above in linked issue.